With the start of autumn, the halls and meeting rooms of the HUB are buzzing as we see the largest freshman class in UW history start their educational journey. Prior to their arrival, leadership at the HUB transitioned as I began my role as Executive Director in July. I look forward to many years working with the HUB staff and campus partners to enhance the Husky Experience and support students as they take classes, make new friends, get connected, and ultimately reach their educational and personal goals.
On September 26 the HUB hosted its first full HUB Crawl since 2019 as part of Dawg Daze and welcomed thousands of students back to campus with joy and excitement. ASUW and GPSS are off to a great start and have plans for many new initiatives this year, including a new off-campus housing partnership and reopening the ASUW Bike Shop to serve the community once more.
In recent months, the HUB has welcomed several new staff members, including a new D Center Manager, and the team is ready to meet whatever challenges this new year may bring. We look forward to sharing all the exciting news and events from the HUB in the coming months.
Carrie M. Moore, M.A.
Executive Director
Husky Union Building

It’s here at long last…the start of a new academic school year. There’s something exciting and energizing about the start of a new school year. I felt that when I was in elementary school and after the last 28+ months of the pandemic, I still get that tingling feeling that came with buying school supplies.
The school year kicked off with the annual Dawg Daze welcome week roster of events. Hundreds of events were attended by thousands of students and campus felt alive and electric. The HUB was highly engaged in welcome events such as Fall Fling, HUB Crawl, the Poster Sale, and the Student Activities Fair. And prior to that, the new ASUW and GPSS leaders had their first in-person orientations and trainings since 2019. I cannot wait to get to know them better in the coming months.
I also want to introduce you to the HUB’s new Executive Director, Carrie M. Moore. Carrie came to UW from the Bellevue College where she served as the Director of Student Engagement. Her expertise and experience advising student government and student leaders allows us to bring a higher level of engagement and advising with our two student governments, especially after the topsy-turvy 2.5 years of the pandemic. Carrie was hired after Justin Camputaro departed in July to travel the world with his wife and two daughters. If you have the time, please send Carrie a quick email to introduce yourself and say hello.
Look forward to seeing you in person at some point in the coming weeks and months.
Y’all take care.

ASUW and GPSS student leaders started their new roles this summer and have been hard at work preparing to support and advocate for UW students. Get to know this year’s ASUW and GPSS student leaders and if you have a minute, send a short note of encouragement to a student in a position you held.
This past winter, Seattle had just one snow storm. Unfortunately, it came with some powerful winds that toppled an iconic part of the HUB’s landscape, a 60+ year-old cork oak tree (the only one on the UW campus). HUB staff have worked with the UW Grounds team to salvage much of it with the intent to build benches, plaques, and maybe even a sculpture for the building and surrounding area. When the debris was finally cleared, we discovered a wonderful surprise, a 5-foot seedling growing mostly underground.
I enjoy metaphors, and for me this circumstance reflects what the current pandemic has taught us – that the past prepares us all to learn and grow as we progress with new seedlings ready to evolve and to do better. ASUW and GPSS have newly elected officers and these students will build from this year with lessons learned and actively engage and lead their fellow UW students as they readjust to an in-person Husky Experience.
You will read about the details below, but I must take the opportunity here to acknowledge Rene Singleton, who recently won a prestigious honor – the ACUI Values Award. The first criteria for this award is someone who has a “commitment to unconditional human worth.” Rene has advised, mentored, coached, and challenged thousands of students in her career (probably most of you reading this) and there is no better description of her style than this criteria. I am honored to work with such an outstanding colleague who I continue to learn from every day.
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Executive Director

Behind the masks, so many feelings and things are happening — exhaustion, burnout, struggle, uncertainty, languishing, numb-bum-syndrome, adult acne, wallowing, fear, loss…the unknown. Behind the masks, you might be feeling or have felt some of these emotions. After 14 months of working remotely from my dining table, it is fair to say I have felt many of these descriptors.
Let me join the chorus of students and colleagues who are counting down the days and weeks till we can return to campus. Tim Egan wrote in a recent NYT opinion piece that we should come to realize that regaining our “social muscle memory” will require patience, grace, and generosity. I, for certain, know it will take some time and adjustments to gain my equilibrium once we return to campus in September. How weird to realize by that time it will have been nearly 18 months away from campus and most importantly, the very reason why I’ve been passionate about my work — students and student leaders.
Yet behind the literal or proverbial masks, there is also much to treasure and appreciate — smiles, happy eyes, fortitude, generosity, resilience, care, hard work, pride, hope, light, and grace. The departments with whom I work have demonstrated these and more. My mind has been blown by their commitment and devotion to their work and the students they advise and mentor. Has it been perfect and harmonious? Not exactly. However, they have responded with full hearts and minds. They continue to inspire me.
– L.Lincoln

When did you graduate, and what are you up to now?
I graduated with a double Masters in Public Policy and Urban Planning in 2013. Today I work at Sound Transit as a Community Engagement Specialist.
What was your most memorable UW class? Why?
I really enjoyed working on my graduate thesis, which looked at communication techniques in public policy debates. Learning theories from sociology, communications, public policy, and urban planning was fascinating.
Who is your hero? Why?
I really admire Brene Brown, the prolific researcher of shame, courage, and vulnerability. I’ve struggled with shame throughout my life, and learning how to accept myself and share my vulnerable sides has been powerful.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. When I was in GPSS, some fellow officers and I went to Kate’s Pub for karaoke every Wednesday after Senate and Executive meetings. I love Bad Romance because it’s got attitude and you don’t need a big range.
What is your favorite Husky tradition?
When you’re a graduate student, I’m not sure you’re as connected to University-wide traditions. But I loved everything about GPSS, especially speaking at new student orientations in the fall and getting to know so many different departments and programs.
What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
Probably the grand opening. It was so cool to move into the beautiful building from Condon Hall and be in the center of campus.

What is your position with ASUW and what are some of your current responsibilities?
I am the Director of Internal Policy for ASUW. Some of my responsibilities consist of being the chief parliamentarian for the Association, chairing the Judicial Committee, liaising to the GPSS and Executive Committee, as well as the ASUW Senate and Senate Steering Committee. Outside of my committee posts, I oversee records management and OPMA.
What are your goals for ASUW?
My main goal for ASUW is to create and foster a strong working relationship between our office and GPSS. Another goal of mine is to help senators, board members, and the community navigate through the bureaucracy of ASUW to make their time at UW one to remember and everlasting.
In what way has the HUB/HUB staff contributed to your Husky Experience?
The HUB has been a place for me to unwind, get coffee, and have fun with my fellow huskies – which is all part of the experience being a student at UW! In particular, the HUB staff and leadership has helped me in so many ways – both professionally and personally while I have navigated my virtual tenure at ASUW.
What are your favorite Husky traditions?
My favorite Husky tradition is Dawg Days! Whether that be as an attendee or as a volunteer, this annual event is an amazing way to kick off the new year and create a sense of community on campus.
Fun Fact!
I have a pet leopard gecko! His name is Pluto and is three years old.
This winter, the HUB hosted its first Virtual RSO Fair using the Gather platform, which utilizes proximity video chat. It’s a bit like playing a video game with character icons and imagery, but as you approach other avatars, you’re able to chat using voice and video. On the day of the fair, RSO representatives staffed their booths in the virtual HUB, working to promote their organizations, events, and meet new students interested in getting involved.

Bernice Larson, a HUB Programming and Events Intern, took on the task of coordinating and developing the Virtual RSO Fair in collaboration with the Student Activities Office and the Resource Center. She explained, “The main goal was to provide an opportunity for students and RSOs to stay connected. We’ve all experienced varying levels of isolation in the past year or so, and RSOs are a major source of community for many students, myself included. I know how tough it’s been to keep a student organization engaged in a virtual landscape, and these fairs were an effort to maintain a sense of student community at the University.”
With over 40 RSOs in attendance, students and staff were excited to have the opportunity to connect with one another in an unconventional way. Larson shared, “The highlight of the event for me was walking around and talking to all the RSO representatives. I’m in RSO leadership myself, so it was fun to exchange ideas for how to keep students engaged in a virtual world. There was also an air of excitement and positivity. Everyone was happy to participate in something that felt a little closer to an in-person event.”
The first Virtual RSO Fair was such a hit, the HUB team developed four additional special interest RSO fairs over the course of spring quarter, with 112 RSOs and over 300 students participating in fairs for cultural and international, academic, and health and recreation focused RSOs. While we all miss the hustle and bustle of the Red Square RSO fairs, the HUB’s transition to Virtual RSO Fairs has been a great alternative, offering a sense of normalcy in our online world.
I have noticed a theme in my Alumni Newsletter messages – the seasons and weather. Par for the course and symbolic of this past year, the winter weather in Seattle has oddly been mostly sunny…nothing like what we’re used to, yet offering bright spots. The same is true for this entire year, as we approach the one year anniversary of when the HUB temporarily closed along with the rest of UW (March 16, 2020). Transitioning student engagement first to a virtual and now a hybrid form has been challenging, exhausting, and inspiring all at the same time. I’m proud to say the HUB has led the way in being one of the first buildings on campus to re-open (albeit with limited hours) to serve as an “informal learning space” for UW students, faculty, and staff. Meanwhile, Student Activities advisors have shifted to 100% remote advising, which also meant adjusting their hours to meet with students living around the world. ASUW and GPSS have adapted to virtual programming with successes such as Rainy Dawg Radio on-air concerts and Huskies on the Hill virtual lobby days, while Senate meetings have seen the highest attendance in years. The HUB has added RSO video podcasts through the Resource Center and grab-and-go programs to provide students hands-on activities. All examples of being creative and bringing community programming and engagement to the students.
What has been most impressive this past year, is how the ASUW and GPSS students have adapted and led the way in advocating for UW student needs during this pandemic. They have continued to find ways to listen to the student body and to advocate for better accessibility to virtual classes, more mental health resources for students struggling with the virtual shifts, in-person options for students to study, and demands to see more action on the part of the administration around issues of social justice. When these students join you all as ASUW and GPSS alumni, they will be remembered throughout UW history for their leadership under one of the most unique and challenging times ever faced.
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Executive Director
Hey, y’all. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth so many personal and professional challenges, uncertainties, weirdness…I’m sure you have some words to add. Perhaps they can’t be said in print? With the seemingly never-ending Zoom meetings, I have found myself out of practice with and quite bummed out by not seeing students and colleagues every day around campus. With all that’s going on, that’s a small price to pay. The health and safety of our communities remain ever-present.
Over the last 11 months, I have gotten quite lazy at keeping up with the GPSS and ASUW alumni student leaders from the past 25 years. Yikes, 25 years…that necessitates a different conversation. I’ve fallen behind on the news: good, bad, great. Things like babies, job changes, family news, the passing of relatives, home repairs/renovations, fantasy-football wins, weekend excursions, your latest IPA discoveries, illnesses, etc. Thank goodness for the Christmas and holiday cards I got this year.

Part of this is due to my stepping away from Facebook because it grew somewhat tedious and odious during last summer and into autumn. I suspect I’m not alone in pulling back this past year. Stepping away was a lot easier than expected, but I recognize that I missed out hearing about you and the lives of your families.
I have a request. Will you please take a few minutes to reach out to your friends/peers from your years with GPSS and ASUW…check in with them? See how they are doing and holding up. I pray that once we begin to see the vaccinated-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel, we will get to gather at an event or a pub to catch up. Until then, call, text, or email one of your GPSS and ASUW friends and say hello.
Miss y’all.
– L.Lincoln

What was your most memorable UW class? Why?
Oh so many! Generally, I’d say it was any and every class I took in American Ethnic Studies. Not only did I learn so much, I met some of the most wonderful people. But I’d say it would be Asian American Studies 360, Filipino American History and Culture with Dr. Rick Bonus. I learned about the history of me, of Filipinos in America, for the first time. The way the class was taught showed me that learning can be open, engaging, and fun. Dr. Bonus became not only a mentor but a lifelong friend. He wasn’t just there academically, but supported me and all his students outside of the classroom as well. I still keep in touch with him and it’s been 20 years since I first took that class. That class led to everything wonderful that happened at UW. It was because of Dr. Bonus that I went on to earn my Ph.D.
Who is your hero? Why?
Frontline workers. I have friends and family who are nurses and doctors and while I hope for their safety, I am humbled and honored by their service to care for those who are sick day in and day out. On a deeper level, my heroes are also those who fight for a more just world. I have worked alongside and with some of the most amazing people who endeavor to dream and take action in creating a world where they don’t fear for their lives. Where they can see themselves in the media. Where they dare to hope. In the United States, in the Philippines, around the world. Representation matters. Our voices matter. Our lives matter.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
Let me just start and say there isn’t a karaoke mic that I don’t love. That said, I’m definitely not a good singer. But I’ll always sing Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer, I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston, and anything by TLC. I will never deny a good 90s R&B song!
What is your favorite Husky tradition?
I would have to say the Dawg Daze Student Activities Fair. I love those two days when all the student organizations table in Red Square! You see the vibrancy of student life all in one place. There are restaurants from around Seattle that come to serve food and they were always so, so, so good! New students roaming and learning about everything UW has to offer. Current students gathering to greet each other after a summer apart. It really is one of the best times because the excitement of being a Husky is at an all time high!
What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
So many! So so so many! Like the Ethnic Cultural Center, it was a place of joy for me. There was the time a bunch of us on ASUW sang “Islands in the Stream” from the top of our lungs on top of our desks, or grabbing lunch downstairs with friends and laughing for hours, or freestyle battles outside, or getting together with other students to plan events, or those nights I stayed late to work on something and held wonderful conversations with the janitorial staff. I spent so much time at the HUB there really isn’t one memory. It’s a collection of memories that remind me of my pride in being a Husky.

What is your position with GPSS and what are some of your current responsibilities?
I’m serving as the Vice President of Legislative Affairs for GPSS. In this role, I’m responsible for developing and passing our legislative agenda in the fall quarter and then advocating on those issues during the legislative session. I also get to serve as chair for the Legislative Advisory Board and work with my colleagues to plan Grad Day on the Hill, where we help graduate students meet with legislators to talk about issues they care about.
What are your goals for GPSS?
My goal for GPSS is to help make graduate and professional students a greater priority when we’re talking about higher education. Graduate students are in a unique position as we often are students and employees at UW, but we lack a lot of the state resources that our undergraduate peers receive (funding, insurance, etc.). I want to leave this year knowing that every legislator I’ve talked with recognizes the importance of graduate students and all the things we are capable of achieving.
In what way has the HUB/HUB staff contributed to your Husky Experience?
This is probably the only year in the history of the HUB that you can work in the HUB and yet never actually meet any of the staff in person. That being said, I still feel like I’ve gotten so much support, which really is a testament to how the HUB staff engages with UW students. I’ve been able to meet with my advisors for virtual coffee, call them for any reason (really at any hour of the day), and connect with ASUW and RSOs on Zoom. I can only imagine how much fun it would be to get to actually spend all that time in the HUB for this work — I will definitely be coming back after the pandemic.
What are your favorite Husky traditions?
My favorite Husky tradition is walking through the cherry blossoms on campus in spring!
Fun Fact!
When I was an undergraduate at the University of Texas I rode my bike from Texas to Alaska to raise money for cancer research. It took 70 days and was more than 4,500 miles!
This academic year, ASUW Arts & Entertainment (A+E) has worked tirelessly to ideate ways to bring entertainment content to the students on campus that is engaging and exciting. By pairing unique artists doing unconventional things, encouraging interaction, and generating show formats that are fresh for both artists and the audience, A+E has been busy. This fall, the team took on the logistical puzzle of putting together a virtual variety show for Dawg Daze. On September 28th, A+E went live with the show Reconnecting…
The variety show featured live appearances by talent from around the globe. Hosted by comedian Zack Fox, the evening included a book club with rapper/activist Noname, a discussion about remaining creative in a pandemic with illustrator Lauren Tsai, and concluded with a performance and interview from indie rock superstar Phoebe Bridgers.
Spencer Rex, the 2020-21 ASUW A+E Director explained that he and his team had a chance to chat over Zoom with Phoebe Bridgers, “Who we believe will go down as one of the greatest artists of our generation. After we booked her, she played SNL and was nominated for multiple Grammy awards. It was a pleasure and a highlight for all of us to work with her and her entire team.”
Through the highly attended variety show, students all across campus were given an informal space to make positive memories and connections with one another. Rex explains, “We take very seriously the responsibility of giving our students fun and creative opportunity outlets so that we can collectively detach from, laugh at, or better understand the challenges of the modern age.” ASUW A+E aims to develop events which they hope can play a part in returning a sense of pride and fun to the college experience, despite the primarily virtual setting. Follow A+E on social media @asuwae to stay connected and see what’s on the horizon!

One of the greatest lessons the University of Washington tries to instill is that of resiliency. These unprecedented times are certainly testing all of our resiliencies with each day bringing new information, new challenges, and new real impacts on our personal lives and those around us. As they always have, and will continue to do, ASUW and GPSS continue to rise to the occasion and provide leadership in this uncertain time.
Even without the impact of recent global events, the winter quarter at UW is often the most challenging time for our students and staff, with the sustained overcast weather and the true mid-way point for the full academic year taking its toll on motivations. To overcome these feelings myself, I take the time to pause and reflect on the many success stories all around here in the HUB. This has really been an outstanding year with so many positive moments, including the most successful HUB Crawl (Dawg Daze Fall Welcome Week event) ever, the new Esports Arena and Gaming Lounge consistently packed for tournaments and workshops, and record-breaking guests across every area and service in the HUB. You can read all about the HUB’s successes from 2018 – 2019 in our Impact Report. In the Fall, thanks to so many alumni who have donated to our endowment, we awarded the first ever HUB Excellence in Student Leadership Scholarship to two outstanding students: Giuliana Conti (GPSS President) and Spencer Lively (ASUW Director of Legislative Affairs). One final item that brings me joy, is that we recently hung up two stunning pieces of art from Kyler Pahang, who won last year’s HUB Director’s Art Award with depictions representing his native Filipino culture.
Unfortunately, this December also marked the end of an era as Paul Zuchowski graduated (OK, fine, I’ll admit it…he retired) after 35 of years of selfless service to the HUB, to the staff, and to the students. Paul has been synonymous with the HUB, there is absolutely nothing about this building, nor our programs, that he was not connected to. With only one exception, he was a part of hiring every single staff member currently working for the HUB, including both Lincoln and Rene. Since he has left, we all have felt the sting of reality regarding what he did to keep the doors open and the lights on (literally, because sometimes the lights just don’t turn on now, I think he planted a bug for us). I have been so grateful for his advice these past four years, and Paul will forever be one of my first positive thoughts when it comes to the top people who made lasting impacts on what the HUB offers the UW community…exactly what we all strive to achieve.
In the months ahead, our charge as a student union does not end simply because classes are online. This is where we show what student unions and student government have always shown throughout our history…we evolve and rise to the occasion.
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Director
Hey y’all. The end of any academic quarter comes with looks of exhaustion and anxiety from many of our students. The quarter system can be brutal…not only in the classroom, but for student leaders who are trying to accomplish their goals, plan programs, enhance services, and serve the campus community. 10 weeks comes and goes so very quickly. Add in 40+ days of rain, a disappearing sun, and the challenges of just being a student…well, it can be daunting. It can be the same for faculty and staff as well. However, even when the sun chooses not to shine brightly nor regularly, we have these rays of light and sunshine flowing from our ASUW and GPSS student leaders who remain passionate, resilient, resourceful, and dedicated.
It’s such a joy working and interacting with these leaders…just as it was to work with those who were once a part of GPSS and ASUW. Thank you for continuing to share your stories and lives with us.
Be well, y’all.
– L.Lincoln

Ryan Biava
What was your most memorable UW class? Why?
Linguistics 404, “Indo-European,” where I learned one of my favorite bits of trivia: the English word “royal” and the Hindi word “raj” share the same root. Great, creative class about human thought that argues for strong humanities funding.
Who is your hero? Why?
If forced to choose, I would have to say the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, who warned us away from hero worship and who taught that the unconscious parts of ourselves have real effects on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Individually and collectively.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
I don’t subject others to my singing. Hard pass.
What is your favorite Husky tradition?
I’m going to say research. Everything at UW exists, ultimately, because people come together to understand the world better–and then to share it with others. Research underlies it all.
What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
What I remember most of all is the camaraderie that existed in the activist groups and student government meetings I was involved with. I think sometimes we took ourselves perhaps a bit too seriously, but it was rewarding and I learned a great deal about myself and others.

Maggie Dunham
What is your position with GPSS and what are some of your current responsibilities?
I am the Vice President of External Affairs for GPSS, and I represent the 15,000 graduate students at UW at the local, state, and federal level. I have been working in Olympia this legislative session to advocate for our student population at the state level, and I will be leading a group of UW students to DC to talk with our federal congress members. I also organized the first graduate and professional student advocacy day, and brought students from UW, WSU, and WWU to meet with 60+ state legislators to lobby for increased funding, access to student health insurance, prevention of sexual misconduct, and graduate student representation.
What are your goals for GPSS?
My main goal for GPSS this year has been the creation of a graduate and professional student coalition across campus and the state to increase graduate student visibility. Graduate students are 1/3 of the UW student population – but most conversations about higher education have an undergraduate focus, something GPSS will continue to push against when we talk about improving the student experience and access to education for all students.
In what way has the HUB contributed to your Husky Experience?
I am an MPA student in the Evans School. The Evans School’s building on campus, Parrington Hall, unfortunately was closed for renovation after my first quarter at UW and will not open before I graduate. I, and my classmates, have been taking classes in Condon Hall – which is not on campus and not a good space for building community or connection to UW. GPSS’s office has been my most direct connection to the overall UW community.
What is your dream job?
I will be graduating in four months – I want to work in energy policy as a means to address greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. I hope to blend my work in the legislature through GPSS and the research and analysis skills from classes to advance policy solutions aimed at reducing the effects of climate change.
What are your favorite Husky traditions?
Drinking coffee at every coffee shop on the Ave and wearing purple!
Fun Fact!
Prior to coming back to graduate school at UW, I worked in Yellowstone National Park as a wrangler to lead horseback rides through the backcountry of the park! I fell in love with the park and the wilderness, and thoroughly enjoyed working from the back of a horse to educate guests about the park and herd the occasional bison or bear away from my guests.

Justin Camputaro
Springtime marks some of the busiest and most exciting times of our entire year for the HUB. The sun finally makes its appearance and so do election campaign signs. Yes it’s a cliché, but I’m always amazed at how time flies for our students. I feel like our current ASUW and GPSS students were just starting their terms, but here we are with newly elected leaders preparing to make their mark. This is the bittersweet part of the year when the students get to reflect on their successes (and mishaps) of the year, while also preparing to support the incoming group of leaders to carry the torch; many of you remember the feelings on both ends.
I’m also excited to share that the Student Activities Office (SAO) recently hit a new milestone this spring, surpassing 1,000 RSOs for the first time in history (yes, you read that correctly). Rene and the SAO team have their work cut out for them to engage with this many student leaders. Thankfully we have the most incredible group of rock stars you’ll find on any college campus…if you get a moment, reach out to your former advisors and send them well wishes and appreciations for all they gave to you. Enjoy reading the latest happenings in the HUB in this edition of the HUB Alumni Newsletter.
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Director

L. Lincoln Johnson & Josh Dawson
Pure, unadulterated joy…with a twinge of sadness. The end of yet another school year is upon us and in just a matter of weeks, campus will be filled with students in cap and gown, with their families in tow. It’s a wonderful time of year because many of our student leaders (GPSS, ASUW, RSOs, student employees, etc.) are graduating and beginning the next phases of their lives. As much as I hate to admit it, there really is life beyond campus and the HUB, but what a gift it has been to play a small part in the mentoring, advising, and supporting these leaders. I consider myself especially lucky to have formed some relationships that will extend into the years to come, but what’s even more important is that our student leaders (whether or not they’re graduating) are learning more about themselves as people and leaders, plus creating lasting friendships and ties.
The pride I get from observing all of our leaders gives me hope for the future. And after some gratefully slower weeks in July and August, I know for certain that I’ll be eager to welcome our incoming leaders for both of our student governments and start another year of leadership and community.
Until next time, don’t forget to keep in touch via social media, text, or email.
Cheers, ya’ll.
L. Lincoln Johnson

Chris Laws
What was your most memorable UW class?
The most memorable class I took at UW would have to be a graduate class on the stars of our galaxy back in 2000, taught by Suzanne Hawley (now serving as the Divisional Dean for Natural Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences) — it was a great class on a great subject, and Suzanne would go on to be one of my most valuable mentors and best friends on campus.
But really the most memorable UW class for me is one that I taught starting in summer of 2005, the ASTR 481 Advanced Astronomical Observations course. That course takes about a dozen junior and senior level students out to the UW’s Manastash Ridge Observatory near Ellensburg for several weeks of staying up all night and taking pictures of the beautifully dark skies. Leading those groups transformed my career, and from all accounts was transformative in the lives of many, many of my students as well.
Who is your hero? Why?
My hero is definitely my wife — she’s a first-generation student with a Masters Degree from the UW (Go Huskies!), who spends her days helping students and families impacted by severe developmental issues such as autism. She is stronger and more gentle and generous than anyone I know, she changed my life, and I admire her more than I could ever, ever hope to express.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
Ooh — tough. If they’ve got it (but they won’t), Tom Waits’ “Swordfishtrombones” — otherwise either Cheap Trick’s “Surrender” (easy to get the crowd involved!), or Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon” (c’mon — I’m an astronomer!).
What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Doing my lucky purple pajama pants dance — and then winning, baby!
What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
WAY too many for a clear favorite — but a standout was definitely the big celebration after the HUB reopened post-renovation, and watching the entire HUB crew get the praise they so richly deserve. Especially sweet to see Lincoln Johnson called out by so many students that day for the powerful impact he had on them — he’s a HUB superhero for sure!

Catarina Ratajczak
What is your position with the ASUW Student Food Coop (SFC) and what are some of your current responsibilities?
My position with the ASUW SFC is a co-manager along with Emma D’Orazio. I currently work to create an environment on campus that promotes education about, and access to, sustainable, ethical, local food. This takes shape in a few ways. To start, I plan events, like Humblefeast, that create community around food and provide platforms for other students to talk about their work in the food system. Other smaller events are collaborative and talk about everything from culturally appropriate food, agricultural labor, factory farming, and mental health. We don’t box ourselves in at the SFC. Another thing I do is manage our awesome storefront, the Bean Basket! The Bean Basket is a bulk buying store selling non-perishable, sustainable sourced foods. It is volunteer run and only has a 15% markup price from wholesale. A lot goes into managing a store that follows the cooperative model, but it is so fulfilling! We also have an awesome collaboration with the UW Food Pantry, which is some of my favorite work.
What are your goals for the SFC?
SFC has many goals! We want to, first and foremost, provide access to and education about good, nutrient-dense food with ethical sourcing on campus. It is so important to talk about food within the University, as a lot of students struggle with food insecurity. Beyond that, we want to foster a collaborative, respectful environment where we include all voices, work with RSOs as well as off-campus groups that align with our values. Food is universal, and we want to collaborate with as many groups as possible. If we are talking about long-term goals, we would absolutely love to have a larger storefront that collaborates with other awesome groups on campus, which would allow for expansion beyond selling only dried goods
In what ways has the HUB contributed to your Husky Experience?
The HUB has allowed for the SFC to have a storefront on campus. That is absolutely integral to the achievement of the SFC mission, and we are so thankful for that. Beyond that, we often utilize HUB services such as the HUB kitchen, which is truly vital to almost all of our events. If we were to not have access to the kitchen, big-scale events would be nearly impossible.
What is your dream job?
I am an Urban Design & Planning major. My dream job is working for a private consulting urban planning firm, where I can design green space, poster community, and promote equity. I am so excited to pursue and achieve this one day.
Do you have any Husky game day traditions? If so, what?
I have never been to a Husky football game, actually. As a transfer student, I missed out on the football game traditions. However, if I were to imagine what I would enjoy…I would probably say the snacks!
Fun Fact
I lived in India as a child!

Justin Camputaro & Rene Singleton
There is no denying winter is here as UW was blanketed in snow for most of February. In fact, this is the most snow campus has seen since 1949, which also happens to be the year the HUB first opened (originally called the Associated Students Memorial Union). It is 70 years later and the main infrastructure of that original building still stands, and it has grown significantly with two major additions and the 2012 renovation. This is much like our students, who come to UW and get involved with ASUW, GPSS, and other student organizations. At first, they start out small, learning the ropes of how the organizations operate, making connections across campus, and then as they settle into their new roles, really flourish and make lasting impacts at UW.
Many of you probably remember this experience yourselves. In fact, Winter Quarter is often when the proverbial “light bulbs” go off and that is exactly what we are seeing right now. Student leaders are hitting their strides of confidence, planning some incredible programs, building off their campus connections, and advocating for campus resources, both locally on campus and across the state.
Enjoy this edition of the HUB Alumni Newsletter, reading about several of these incredible student leaders and their programs, as well as more great ways for you as alumni to develop deeper connections with these students through Huskies @ Work and UW Giving Day.
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Director

L. Lincoln Johnson
Hey, y’all. Some people ask me how I am able to keep up with what’s happening in the lives of former students, and while I wish I could declare it is due to a brilliant and diligent mind, it really is aided by things like holiday cards, birth announcements and such. Thankfully, this is magnified in useful ways through the lens of social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
I truly wish you were able to see the bulletin board in my office. About a month ago I put up a whole bunch of holiday/picture cards from some the former student leaders with whom I’ve had the opportunity to work and advise. It brings me such joy and gratitude to receive these each year and to have a small glimpse into your lives. I truly enjoy seeing and learning about jobs, relationships, children, family moments, travel…and even pets. If you’re near the HUB, you should definitely stop by so I can share and brag about our marvelous GPSS and ASUW alumni family.
Be well, y’all.
L. Lincoln Johnson
IG: bubbalinc

Thom Gunn
What was your most memorable UW class?
Well, I can’t single it out to one. I took all of the best classes, and zeroed in on all of the best instructors. One of the best classes I took was Modern English History with Giovanni Costigan. From my research, Dr. Costigan was the greatest history teacher in the world. He was a delight; he was magnificent. Another one of my favorite classes was Washington State Geology with Larry Hanson. It was a huge lecture hall, and we broke up into groups and did field trips all the time.
Who is your hero? Why?
I have many heros, because there are a lot of fabulous people out there. Franklin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, JFK, and Aldo Leopold are a few of my heros. Leopold was an American ecologist and wrote one of the greatest books ever written in America, A Sand County Almanac.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
“I’m Not Like Everybody Else” by Ray Davies of the Kinks. I think Ray Davies is the greatest Rock ‘n Roller. He is responsible for the soundtrack of my generation’s life. About ten of his songs are just spot on.
What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Winning. I love winning. I especially love conquering any team from Southern California; I cheer for all Northwest teams. I’m pretty happy with our coach (Chris Petersen), but our former coach, Don James, was a great coach. He was also one of my heros.
What is your favorite memory of the HUB?
I had an office on the second floor that was a great base. I got to know a number of really great people from working at the HUB. Those associations, you never forget. They are a part of you forever.

Kelsey Hood
What are your goals as VP of External Affairs?
My primary objective as Vice President of External Affairs is to make graduate and professional students a bigger part of the higher education conversations taking place on and off campus. I am extremely passionate about highlighting the importance of graduate education because we provide education to our undergraduate students, ground-breaking research to our university, and a boost to our local and state economies. Graduate and professional students are a vital part of all Washington State college’s and we deserve to have our voices heard by our administration and our state legislators.
In what ways has the HUB contributed to your Husky Experience?
I was lucky enough to experience the new HUB right after it was completed when I was a senior in undergrad. Having the privilege to work here as a graduate student with GPSS has been such a dream because I am always surrounded by the most spirited Huskies who inspire me to do great work.
If you had to eat a single food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Definitely pizza, no question about it. Anyone who knows me would say that I’m a pizza fanatic, especially when it’s pepperoni with jalapeños.
What is your dream job?
I feel like my dream job changes daily as I’m exposed to so many new opportunities and experiences. Today it would have to be working with UW State Relations and advocating on a larger platform for my university.
Do you have any Husky Game Day traditions? If so, what?
Whether I’m watching the game at the stadium or on my couch I always wear my favorite Husky crewneck! My rescue dog Penny is also a pretty big fan so of course she wears a matching Husky jersey.

GPSS Resource Fair
On October 18, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) partnered with Core Programs (Office of Graduate Student Affairs) to host UW’s first-ever GPSS Resource Fair. Held in the HUB Lyceum, the fair provided tabling services as well as refreshments, entertainment, and free swag for the 300 graduate and professional students who attended the event.
Talks about organizing a fair commenced the previous year after the Graduate Student Service Committee conducted a survey on graduate students’ Husky Experiences. Based on participant feedback, it was evident that a universal graduate and professional student orientation needed to be established. Due to the combined efforts of almost all 14 GPSS officers and staff as well as Core Program’s student outreach and departmental connections, a grand total of 26 resources were made available to Resource Fair attendees (20 of which were specifically tailored to graduate students).

GPSS Resource Fair
“The Resource Fair was a way for students to network and meet each other, but also get them to meet these different resources. This was the first year we did it, and it was very successful which was really exciting to see” said Sydney Pearce, GPSS Vice President of Internal Affairs.
As a result of the 2018 Resource Fair’s high attendance rate and overwhelmingly positive remarks from UW resource representatives, GPSS will, once again, be sponsoring the event in the fall. To accommodate more organizations and participating students, GPSS hopes to increase next year’s hours and move the fair to a larger event space.

Humble Feast
On November 16, the ASUW Student Food Cooperative (SFC) celebrated its annual Fall Humble Feast in the University of Washington’s Intellectual House. This year, nearly 250 students and faculty dined together in support of affordable, locally-sourced, ethically produced food. Cooked and served entirely by ASUW SFC and student volunteers, the four-course meal consisted of butternut, cauliflower, chickpea curry, roasted fall vegetable salad, dal, and cardamom apple cake. Since its inaugural event seven years ago, the ASUW SFC Humble Feast has continued to successfully unite the UW community through informative dining experiences that explore the food system and sustainable living.
In order to execute the large-scale event, ASUW SFC started coordinating Humble Feast before the start of the academic school year. To ensure the meal would be fresh and accommodating to vegan and/or gluten-free attendees, ASUW SFC researched seasonally available products and tested a myriad of recipes. During the week of the event, the team also gathered ingredients from PCC Community Markets and Central Co-op, garnered proof of workers’ food handling permits, and spent three days cooking in the HUB kitchen.

Humble Feast
Aside from enjoying a hearty meal, Humble Feast attendees bonded over shared food interests while listening to student groups lead conversations around various food beliefs (e.g. Huskies for Food Justice, Campus Animal Rights Educators, UW Farm, and Campus Sustainability Fund). Throughout the course of the evening, slide presentations also worked to inform attendees of need-to-know nutrition and production facts. Looking ahead, organizers of the Spring Humble Feast hope to continue generating dialogue by procuring a guest speaker to head an educational forum around indigenous food sovereignty.

Stationed in the HUB Street throughout Winter Quarter, Revolution and Evolution embodies existing educational barriers that reflect the five demands issued by the BSU fifty years ago. In partnering with UW Professor Kristine Matthew’s design studio, Studio Matthews, as well as Professor Matthew’s Design 465: Exhibition and Installation Design class, the OMA&D has successfully cultivated awareness and conversation regarding diversity, equity, and community.
By acknowledging past hurdles and subsequent triumphs, the OMA&D hopes to instill faith in UW students’ ability to overcome hardship by embracing their strengths. In working together to build an inclusive and compassionate community, students will find the support they need in order to succeed and feel fulfilled.

Justin Camputaro
Hello HUB alumni and friends, we have some exciting things to share in this Fall newsletter. The first – a change, I’ll be writing the newsletter welcome note moving forward. I have big shoes to fill, but do not fret, Lincoln will still be sharing stories in his own “Bubba’s Bulletin.”
As you will read about below, ASUW and GPSS both had successful elections last Spring. As the groups returned this Fall, they kicked-off the year with fresh new training programs. ASUW expanded to a weeklong intensive training for their entire organization, and I can say this has been paying off in dividends. These efforts go right alongside an entirely new RSO registration process and student leader-training program being developing by the Student Activities Office. The HUB staff are making significant shifts to provide high caliber support for our students today and for their futures beyond graduation when they too join the HUB Alumni Network.
Speaking of such, I hope that all of you are aware of the HUB Fund for Leadership in Excellence. Starting this year, we are switching gears and have a goal to endow several scholarships through this fund. We have so many incredible students who leave indelible marks on the UW campus and soon the HUB will help provide some of these students better access to their education through a scholarship that recognizes their leadership contributions. I hope that you will help us make that a reality.
Finally, last year we brought on a new staff member, Adam Serafin, as our Assistant Director for Communications & Development. Along with this year’s Intern, Alison Day, Adam will be developing more ways for us to engage with all of you and for you to engage with the current students.
We are so very excited to build upon the engagement with the HUB Alumni Network that has grown over the past decade!
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Director

L. Lincoln Johnson
Let me start off by staying – I’m still here and not going anywhere. Yet, the time has come to initiate the transition of the HUB Alumni Network into the extremely capable hands of Justin Camputaro, the Director of the HUB, who has now been in his role for 2.5 years. He has fully embraced the alumni work that we have created and is excited to build upon the successes we’ve had over the last 10+ years. The work will be greatly benefited by the support and assistance of Rene Singleton, Assistant Director for Student Activities, and Adam Serafin, Assistant Director for Communications & Development. And since I’m not going anywhere, all of us will continue to work collaboratively on our outreach and cultivation with the HUB Alumni Network.
Let me say loudly and proudly: I remain committed to this important and inspiring work and the many, many relationships we’ve built since my arrival 22 years ago. I look forward to staying in touch with you over the coming months. Be well, y’all.
L. Lincoln Johnson
PS: If you’re interested in the “Bubba” reference, perhaps I can use a future newsletter to illuminate its origins; hint: it involves ASUW Board meetings.

Gabby Rivera
1. What are your goals as Director of Community Relations?
My role in ASUW allows me to collaborate with students from all over campus. I’m really fortunate that I get to help other student leaders put on effective programming and critically think about how they can advocate for their constituents. Within my term, I hope to have a joint-programming event across all living communities and I hope to encourage participation in Student Senate from underrepresented communities.
2. In what ways has the HUB contributed to your Husky Experience?
When I am at the HUB, I am meeting with friends to discuss what we can do as student leaders on behalf of our constituents to make the campus a better place. As I am finishing my last term serving on Panhellenic, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life has become a second home to me. Serving as this year’s Director of Community Relations, I am also thrilled be apart of ASUW’s space, where I can continue to drive change on campus!
3. If you had to eat a single food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I’m a huge burger fan. I have a weird obsession with burgers. Any type, too. So, if I could just have a different type of burger for every meal of the rest of my life, that could be fun! But, if I had to narrow it down, I’d probably stick to a classic bacon cheeseburger!
4. What is your dream job?
I have a passion for health. As a Medical Anthropology and Global Health major, I love learning about people’s ways of living and am constantly intrigued by how different parts of the world perceive and prioritize healthcare. I would love a job where I could work within the healthcare realm and apply the leadership skills that I have developed at UW!
5. Do you have any Husky Game Day traditions? If so, what?
I go to all of the Husky games with girls from my chapter! For me, Dawg Saturdays and basketball games are times when I can celebrate the school with some of my best friends!

Cordell Carter
1. What was your most memorable UW class?
I had many at UW. However, one that stands out is Political Science 101, as we dissected “Lord of the Flies” as a metaphor for civilization. When I used to do labor negotiations, I would mentally categorize people Jack Merridew or Ralph to determine how to approach them.
2. Who is your hero? Why?
Teddy Roosevelt. He possessed a remarkable intellect and was a renaissance man – as adept at hunting as he was at writing. His life was constant motion and adventure, tragedy and triumph were his companions. He was often out of place, way ahead of his time, yet incredibly productive as if he was in on a secret that few knew. He was a remarkable human being who inspires me to be more productive.
3. What would be your go-to karaoke song?
Creep by Radiohead. I came of age in 1990s, so I love the splendid darkness of grunge music.
4. What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
An enormous mountain of fresh fruit on top of pancakes at Portage Bay in Roosevelt Avenue!
5. What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
It’s more a feeling than a memory. The HUB was the one spot on campus where students ran the show. I remember it as a place full of hope and great expectations.
ASUW Elections
Campaigning for the ASUW election commenced two weeks prior to the voting period and successfully garnered support from a large number of UW community members. As always, there were many promising candidates.
This year, the ASUW Board of Directors elected officers include Ritika Jain (President), Espen Scheuer (Vice President), Andrew Tejero (Campus Partnerships), Gabby Rivera (Community Relations), Favour Orji (Diversity Efforts), Casey Duff (Internal Policy), Jack Hood (Programming), and Angelia Miranda (University Affairs).
The new officers have vowed to build community following the principles of inclusion, transparency, and cohesion. Moreover, these individuals are dedicated to bringing ASUW back to its roots of student activism and involvement.
GPSS Elections
Exactly one week prior to ASUW elections, GPSS held its own electoral race. After a well-fought battle between deserving candidates, the following individuals triumphed: Giuliana Conti (President), Sydney Pearce (Vice President Internal), Kelsey Hood (Vice President External), Amy Gabriel (Secretary), and Robby Perkins-High (Treasurer).
Collectively, the GPSS Board of Directors is dedicated to bringing leadership and commitment to the UW graduate community.
In honor of the incoming and outgoing ASUW and GPSS Board of Directors, an inauguration celebration was held at the HUB this Spring.
Joined by ASUW and GPSS alumni leaders, the UW community ceremoniously embraced the newly elected officers into their positions and congratulated graduating seniors as they transitioned into the HUB’s growing alumni network.
Many of the incoming officers used inauguration to forge relationships with their predecessors and gather insight on how to be impactful representatives of the student body using their newfound voice and positionality. Similarly, outgoing officers capitalized on the opportunity to develop ties with alumni from a variety of professional backgrounds.
As past student leaders mingled with UW’s emerging change agents, one thing become evidently clear to those attending the second annual inaugural event: Once a Husky, always a Husky.

In preparation for the 2018 midterm elections, UW student leaders rallied together in an effort to drive voter registration and turnout.
According to Nick Peda, Organizing Coordinator for ASUW’s Office of Government Relations (OGR), roughly 500 individuals filled out registration forms as a direct result of organized outreach efforts urging students to vote. In addition to forging a strong partnership with the Residential Community Student Association, the OGR tabled and distributed flyers for multiple days on campus, ran a successful social media campaign, and facilitated a “Rock the Vote” event in collaboration with GPSS on the HUB Lawn.
Compared to previous years, ASUW devoted more of their efforts towards actively encouraging students to vote rather than merely registering. Peda acknowledges that students often forget to vote due to hectic schedules/busy lifestyles or simply choose not to vote because of lack of trust in the system.
With these voting barriers in mind, Peda shared, “The biggest thing we can do to get students to vote is to really bring to mind the issues that they care about and convince them that they can actually effect change. Individual votes are very, very important.” As a whole, students interested in politics are presented with numerous opportunities to get involved and propel change within the UW community, such as through one of the many registered student organizations, work-study options, or ASUW programs.
As stated by Peda, “Whatever side of the political divide that you are on, you should be doing something that can help your community.”

Alison Day
Join the HUB in welcoming Alison Day to the team!
This academic year, Alison will be graduating with dual degrees in Communication and Education as well as a Minor in Diversity. As an intern, Alison will be working to foster community growth and student engagement at the HUB. In addition to creating, coordinating, and executing events and programs, Alison will also play a pivotal role in maintaining alumni relations.
As an out-of-state student, Alison was drawn to the HUB and its mission to create meaningful experiences for students at UW. She looks forward to being a part of the dynamic team behind many of UW students’ favorites Husky Experiences.
Welcome aboard, Alison!
Fun Facts
Hometown: Pasadena, California
Recent Work Experience: Live Nation Entertainment
Campus Involvement: Alpha Delta Pi Sorority; PRSSA
Favorite Husky Experience: UW Game Days

UW at ACUI 2018
The end of the school year is upon us yet again and I can’t help but reflect on the amazing opportunity my colleagues and I have working with ASUW and GPSS student leaders. It is quite humbling…and exhausting at times…but such an honor. The conclusion of the year means that leadership transitions are underway. We will truly miss the student leaders who are concluding their year of leadership and service and preparing for a happy and successful life beyond UW; we wish them the best as they embark on their next phase of life.
While we say farewell to this year’s leaders, we are excitedly welcoming the ASUW and GPSS leaders for 2018-19. As we have done for generations, HUB staff and administration continue to stand alongside and partner with ASUW and GPSS leaders to continue their growth as individuals, pursue their organizational goals, and enhance the experience for our student community. With the incoming group of leaders, I have this annoying tendency of frequently reminding them that they are not in this alone. We want them to always know that they are a part of a rich tradition and tapestry of former student leaders and I know that they appreciate and respect the legacies you have left behind.
Enjoy this edition of the HUB Alumni newsletter…and please let us hear from you. We love getting little notes and emails about your life and work.
Be well, y’all.
L. Lincoln Johnson

Sabrina A. Fields
1. What was your most memorable UW class?
Being one of the first students to start the UW Dream Project before it became an established UW program. If you look closely at the logo I’m the second silhouette from the right.
2. Who is your hero? Why?
My mom is my shero. She’s a resilient woman from who I have learned a lot from and has also given up a lot for me and my sisters success.
3. What would be your go-to karaoke song?
Lauryn Hill – Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You
4. What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Being at Husky stadium when the two sides of the field call out “Go Huskies!” back and forth. The call and response effect was always so much fun.
5. What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
Before the HUB was renovated, being on the second floor for election results and learning that I won the position of Director of Diversity Efforts. I spent less than $30 on my campaign and ran as an independent.

Giuliana Conti
1. What is your role? What is your favorite thing about your role?
I was elected Secretary of GPSS for this academic school year and while there are a myriad of responsibilities under my purview, my favorite part of being Secretary is working toward enhancing and advocating for diversity within our organization and graduate and professional students at UW.
2. What has been your favorite memory in the HUB?
My favorite memory so far is not really a particular event, more like the energy that fills a room when small or large groups of people gather for a common goal. I feel this in our office when a lot of our staff, officers, exec members, and graduate students are hanging out and working together; and I feel it during Senate meetings when representatives of over 50 departments meet to make collective decisions that better our experiences on campus. We are lucky to have the space for these gatherings to be realized.
3. If you had to eat a single food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh, easy. Pasta. Or any bread product, really. I grew up with my dad’s Italian cooking so I’ve basically already satisfied the “rest of my life” goal since I continue to eat bread and pasta regularly!
4. What is your dream job?
My dream job would be an environment where I’m surrounded by like-minded, public service-oriented people that advocate for the advancement of education, especially music education. I think academia is a special place filled with intelligent, intellectual, passionate, over-achievers with an immense capacity and drive for change; I would love to stay as close to academia as I can, with maybe a side of policy reform and/or elementary teaching.
5. Do you have any Husky game day traditions? If so, what?
Yeah, so I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I’m not much of a sports person…I am however in the arts, so music performances tend to be my jam. For these I usually call/text whoever I can think of to rally them into joining me, and then going out for drinks after the performance to celebrate. I totally support people’s love of sports, but I also encourage everyone to check their local concert listings!

Students, staff, and faculty filled the HUB Lyceum on February 8th and 9th to hear experiences shared by a group of brave women, trans*, gender non-conforming, and genderqueer individuals. The stories were about personal moments of resistance, identity, and survival experienced by the performers. A range of topics were explored, such as gender identity, religion, bodies, minds, activism, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and many more. The goal of the ASUW Womxn’s Action Commission’s flagship event was to “deconstruct” the identity of a woman, and to leave attendees with a feeling of pride in the power of individuals.
For Brittany Wu, the president of the Womxn’s Action Commission, this event is more than just a performance. To her, participation in The _______ Monologues was more important than the event itself, as the goal was for the performers to feel empowered during their moments of vulnerability. “As the director, knowing that a student can make this big of a difference feels incredible, and I’m so glad that around 350 people got to have insight on 9 of thousands of breathtaking stories held by UW students,” shared Brittney. From the response and feedback heard regarding this event, the hours upon hours of planning and organizing by the Womxn’s Action Commission shined through in the final product.

A few months ago, the ASUW Pacific Islander Student Commission began preparation for their quarterly event that occurred on January 31st, Pasifik Voices. This event was founded in 2009 by Kiana Fuega and Christina Pelesasa with the intention to provide a public space for Pasifik poet Sia Figel to present her work to the UW community. When the Pacific Islander Student Commission noticed the positive reaction from students at UW, they opened up the floor to all students willing to present their talents through music, art, spoken word, dance and much more. This event, both then and now, celebrates the diversity of Pasifik Islander representation throughout our campus and the surrounding area, and aims connect this passionate community of students and the wider UW population through a night of cultural expression.
Since the Pacific Islander Student Commission consists of a variety of clubs, there was a significant amount of representation for all corners of campus. The Polynesian Student Alliance and Micronesian Islands Club were the master of ceremonies for the event, and the performers represented the Hui Hoaloha ‘Ulana (Hawaii Club), Filipino American Student Association, and the Filipino Association for Health Careers, just to name a few. To make the event more accessible, community member Lokeni Tiatia volunteered her time to provide an ASL interpretation. Katrina S. Punzalan, Pacific Islander Student Commission Director shared, “People don’t always understand who Pacific Islanders are, so we hope that this event could allow the community to express themselves accurately so that the UW community can have a better understanding and gear away from any stereotypes that may exist.” The sense of community in the room was also very exciting for Punzalan, as this year even more individuals on campus could experience the talents of the Pacific Islander community.
This Spring, in place of Pasifik Voices, the Pacific Islander Student Commission hosted the Pacific Islander Festival of the Arts at the Intellectual House. The festival showcased community artists, both visual and performance, in an effort to highlight the vast Pacific Islander art and presence in the community inside and outside the UW.

University of Washington students were invited to join ASUW and GPSS leaders on January 29th as they challenged our state legislative system with current affairs. This event, dubbed Huskies on Hill, provided UW students the opportunity travel to Olympia and lobby on behalf of student issues. Planning for this event began in early December, which allowed the ASUW Office of Government Relations to assemble community members who were willing to bring forth a conversation with their legislators about how to better support issues regarding their higher education experience. These topics included tuition and textbook costs, mental health resources, sexual assault protections, and disability inclusion and accessibility on campus.
Through word of mouth, social media, and physical posters, the Office of Government Relations was able to recruit 150 students to join their lobbying efforts. Partnering with the Tacoma and Bothell campuses increased the total amount of participants and united the University of Washington community under a common cause. With that many individuals comes an immense amount of logistical planning, as 97 individual meetings were set up to ensure the face to face communication between UW students and legislative officials. When asking Kalani Tissot, the Legislative Programming Coordinator, about his favorite aspect of the event, he shared that it was “providing students an opportunity to meet with the Governor and Lieutenant governor of Washington.” The opportunity has given UW students a voice and a platform to change our community for the better.

Keeping a brand fresh and exciting is not an easy task. ASUW has recently tackled that challenge and has undergone a rebrand. This change was initiated by the ASUW Office of Communications at the beginning of April. Through interviewing a student focus group, the Association was able to pinpoint areas of improvement in the ASUW’s current brand. What they found was that the Association’s brand lacked cohesion and did not accurately represent its mission. With the help of ASUW’s Visual Designers, the new brand guidelines better represent the Association and have more appeal to students. Brittany Pham, ASUW’s Communications Director, suggested that, the “rebrand was focused on reinventing the perception of ASUW through the logo and brand and to engage with students by showing them the opportunities offered through ASUW.” Check out ASUW’s website to see the outcome of this creative endeavor!

Lincoln Johnson
A very belated happy new year, y’all, and welcome to the latest edition of the HUB Alumni newsletter. We have reached the time of the quarter where you can see the anxiety and looks of worry on the faces of students. Whether related to finals, research papers, the challenges of everyday life, a break-up, or the grey skies, our hearts certainly go out to our student leaders. We just wish we could fix everything for them, but the world of student development is all about challenge and support so we do our best to be present and provide resources that help our students navigate through the ebb and flow of these experiences. What impresses me is how much grit, ambition, resilience, and diligence our student leaders bring to their school work (most importantly, of course) and their roles with ASUW and GPSS.
As for the student union, the HUB continues to grow at the seams. Once you enter the doors, you will soon hear the verve and flow of conversations, piano playing, friends comparing notes on their latest Netflix favorites, and study groups working together to solve the woes of our world. It’s exactly what was envisioned when ASUW and GPSS advocated for and helped accomplish the renovation. The HUB continues to serve as the community center for campus and we are humbled by this.
The HUB Alumni network continues to grow each year and we so appreciate your participation, support, and interest in this amazing yet critical work with ASUW and GPSS leaders. Let us hear from you. I welcome your emails and updates. It also helps me connect students with the individuals who came before them and blazed the trail of student advocacy and service to the campus community.
Lastly, this newsletter was organized and written by this year’s HUB Alumni Intern, Marissa Greitzer, a senior studying Education and Sociology. We hope you enjoy it.
L. Lincoln Johnson

Danica You-Hamilton
1. What was your most memorable UW class?
I took an independent study comparative literature class with Willis Konick when I was at the UW. I had taken a number of his films courses by that time, and like every other student who took those classes, immediately fell in love with his active and engaging teaching style. It was an honor to work with him one-on-one while studying works by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Professor Konick helped improve my ability to think critically and creatively, and also helped me realize how much I loved literature. Perhaps even more importantly, he was always kind, supportive, and rooted for me to succeed at the UW, academically and beyond. In retrospect, some of the most significant lessons I learned during college happened in courses like his – classes that I initially took only for “fun” because I had a personal interest in the subject matter. I was devastated to learn that Professor Konick passed away a couple of years ago.
2. Who is your hero? Why?
My heroes are all of those who have stepped up to fight for immigrants, people of color, women, and all of those whose fundamental rights have been threatened.
3. What would be your go-to karaoke song?
I am a pretty terrible singer, yet I do not fear a karaoke mic. I don’t have a specific go-to song, but my go-to genre would be any late 90s/early 2000s pop or rock: Pearl Jam, Green Day, TLC, En Vogue, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, etc., etc. I should have some shame about my continued love for this type of music, but I do not.
4. What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Making my family wear Husky gear on every game day even though we live in NYC. My 2 year old can really rock that purple and gold like nobody’s business. I think it’s because of his 100% Husky lineage.
5. What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
Meeting my husband, as well as some people who remain close friends more than 15 years after I graduated, through my time in student government are my favorite memories of the HUB. Being surrounded by people who truly wanted to be a part of a community and wanted to work toward making the UW and the world a better place was a magical time for me. When I visit the HUB my heart instantly fills with love and fond memories, as well as the hope that there continue to be many students who have positive, life-changing experiences like mine during their time at the HUB.

Sorana Nance
1. What’s your role, and how did you get involved with ASUW?
My role is Senate Speaker! I got involved as a Senator last year. My day-to-day work varies depending on the day of the week, but I generally spend the earlier part of the week sending out emails to keep Senators looped into the plans for the coming week, along with other happenings around the association. Then, after planning, I run the Senate meetings, which is two hours of ensuring that everyone is following proper meeting procedure, and making sure that a room of 75 students is as respectful as possible. The rest of the week involves meeting with other members of the association to see what they may need in terms of support for writing or following up on legislation. As Speaker, it’s also my job to follow-up on legislation that the Senate passes. So the end of my week is writing emails to individuals who can take action on Senate legislation, whether that be legislators, University administration, or other colleagues in ASUW.
2.What’s your favorite part about working in the HUB?
My favorite part about working in the HUB is having a home away from home. It’s not necessarily the resources of the HUB as a building that are the most beneficial to me, but the support of my coworkers and everyone in the Student Activities Office. My team, Madison, Nick, and Alec, are near and dear to my heart. Without their hard work and friendship, the HUB wouldn’t be the same for me. Because of the compassionate and driven individuals involved with the Association, the HUB is a home for me. I know that every time I walk into the HUB, I am walking into a space full of people that I know will have my back. While there is admittedly a culture of overworking ourselves, it’s the support systems we share that make our work much easier.
3. What’s the biggest challenge you have faced in your role?
The biggest challenge I’ve faced in my role is trying to keep organized and make sure everyone is on the same page. Delegating tasks hasn’t always been my strong suit, but because I’m the entity director I’ve had to learn how to spread the work amongst my teammates. I’ve also learned how to ask for help more, which has been really helpful.
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I’d go to Japan, because I love visiting my family and friends there.
5. What’s your favorite TV show at the moment?
My favorite TV show is Sense8!

ASUW Middle Eastern Student Commission
On November 17, 2017, ASUW’s Middle Eastern Student Commission held their first annual Professional Development Night. Students and professionals of Middle Eastern and Muslim origin gathered in Kane Hall to learn about opportunities in various fields. Numerous UW Alumni returned to campus to share their stories with those attending the event, thus creating a networking opportunity for students.
The planning for this event began in Summer 2017, with the intention of highlighting experienced individuals in the Seattle area. By reaching out to alumni, Middle Eastern Student Commission Director, Mennah El-Gammal, felt that UW students would then envision themselves in the global workforce. “It’s hard for them to have a positive image of themselves, and a lack of representation can affect what they imagine to be possible. Essentially, who is heard and seen, and who is not defines the status quo, and with that in mind our team developed and executed on this event,” says El-Gammal. The lack of representation of professionals with Middle Eastern and Muslim origin has been expressed by many minority students in their community.
The night was a success, with a hundred students attending the event. El-Gammal hopes that this can transform into an annual occasion so that students can continue their academic pursuit with the confirmation that their efforts will not go unnoticed in the future.

Students bowl during a fundraiser for Kiwanis Camp Casey
Two on-campus clubs partnered with the HUB Games Area to host a fundraiser for Kiwanis Camp Casey last November. PediaPUPS, UW’s Student Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group, and Rho Chi, UW’s chapter of the International Honor Society in Pharmacy, collaborated for this cause. Kiwanis Camp Casey is a free summer camp for children with physical disabilities where they can spend a week doing fun activities and building friendships with other children who also face similar challenges. With the help of The North Central Seattle Kiwanis Club and the money raised during this event, PediaPUPS and Rho Chi will be able to fund campers to attend Camp Casey this summer. The clubs are made up of students whose future careers will be maintaining the physical well-being of individuals, so each association is passionate about the cause.
The fundraising event consisted of two components, a raffle drawing and bowling. Raffle tickets were donated by businesses in Seattle, such as Paint the Town, Jet City Improv, and DoodleBug Sportz. The student organizations raised nearly $500 to donate to Camp Casey.
Loretta Gallegos, Director of Philanthropy for PediaPUPS, shared, “My personal favorite part of this event was getting to bowl with friends, both from pharmacy school and outside pharmacy school, at the HUB bowling alley, knowing that our fun was going to allow children with physical challenges to enjoy themselves at camp as much as we enjoyed ourselves bowling.”

Rainy Dawg Radio
Rainy Dawg Radio Facebook Page
In 2001, Rainy Dawg Radio was created to not only entertain the students, faculty, and staff of UW, but to generate a scholastic outlet for UW students who are interested in the music and broadcast industry. This means of communication allows students to practice reaching and relating to a campus-wide audience, while enjoying a moment away from their tough academic lives. Last quarter, Rainy Dawg expanded their programming quality by hiring more individuals as DJs. With a total of 105 DJs, the sound has been more diverse and relevant to everyone in the UW community. In addition, Rainy Dawg held their Local Music Show at the Ethnic Cultural Theater this past November. The free event featured bands from the Seattle area and the student leadership is planning to host more shows as the year continues.
One of Rainy Dawg’s goals is to discover more ways for the station to better collaborate with the community, both inside and outside of UW. At the beginning of January, Rainy Dawg invited volunteers who share a similar passion for music to connect with members of the staff. The leadership feels that it will strengthen their community by growing and developing its membership. Dominika Morawski, Director of Rainy Dawg, shared, “I hope that Rainy Dawg will be large enough to bring more influential artists that can relate to and inspire a much larger group within the UW community.” Not only does this station connect with members of the UW community, but also maintains a relationship with local promoters, musicians, and concert venues Seattle that bring joy to all music lovers.

4th Annual Husky Sunrise
GPSS Facebook Page
On September 5, 2017, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) held their 4th annual Husky Sunrise on Rainier Vista to welcome new and returning graduate and professional students. This year’s event featured a delicious breakfast, mimosas, and the opportunity to mingle with Deans, faculty, and students from a variety of academic disciplines. Students were also able to learn about many of the resources for graduate and professional students at the campus resource fair.
According to one attendee, “it was a great way to be introduced to campus. I didn’t know anyone and was nervous, but everyone was in the same situation and it was a very easygoing event.” It was exciting to see students, deans, faculty, and administrators come together with the sole purpose of meeting new friends and enhancing a sense of community at UW.
Yeun Elloise Kim, who is in her second year as GPSS President said that the event “brimmed with a feeling of excitement and offered a setting where students supported each other and celebrated each other’s splendid achievements.” GPSS continues to be proud of hosting this annual event and is thankful for the campus departments who provide the generous support for it.

Stacey Hurwitz and Lincoln Johnson
Congratulations to the ASUW and GPSS students who graduated this year. If you know me in any sort of way, you won’t be surprised that I get a little wistful when the school year reaches its conclusion. Those of us who work with, advise, and mentor students from GPSS and ASUW put so much of our hearts and minds into building these interactions and relationships that we experience a sense of loss when our students graduate or choose to get involved with other opportunities on campus beyond ASUW and GPSS. Don’t get me wrong — I am beyond thrilled to witness this grand moment (for them and their families), but I am really going to miss so many of them. All I can hope for if that they remain in touch with us over the coming months and years. We truly invested in their success beyond UW.
Enjoy this edition of the HUB Alumni newsletter. My deepest appreciation and gratitude goes to Stacey Hurwitz (pictured) who just graduated from UW and is moving to the east coast to start her professional career. For two years, Stacey served as the HUB Alumni Intern and was instrumental in our alumni efforts. She wrote two years of newsletters, helped plan alumni events, and enhanced our alumni efforts during her tenure. Thank you, Stacey. You will be missed.
Have a wonderful summer, y’all.
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