ASUW Rebrand


Keeping a brand fresh and exciting is not an easy task. ASUW has recently tackled that challenge and has undergone a rebrand. This change was initiated by the ASUW Office of Communications at the beginning of April. Through interviewing a student focus group, the Association was able to pinpoint areas of improvement in the ASUW’s current brand. What they found was that the Association’s brand lacked cohesion and did not accurately represent its mission. With the help of ASUW’s Visual Designers, the new brand guidelines better represent the Association and have more appeal to students. Brittany Pham, ASUW’s Communications Director, suggested that, the “rebrand was focused on reinventing the perception of ASUW through the logo and brand and to engage with students by showing them the opportunities offered through ASUW.” Check out ASUW’s website to see the outcome of this creative endeavor!