Alumni Newsletter

October 5, 2022

Director’s Welcome – Fall 2022

With the start of autumn, the halls and meeting rooms of the HUB are buzzing as we see the largest freshman class in UW history start their educational journey. Prior to their arrival, leadership at the HUB transitioned as I began my role as Executive Director in July. I look forward to many years working…

Lincoln’s Log – Fall 2022

It’s here at long last…the start of a new academic school year. There’s something exciting and energizing about the start of a new school year. I felt that when I was in elementary school and after the last 28+ months of the pandemic, I still get that tingling feeling that came with buying school supplies….

Welcome, New Student Leaders – Fall 2022

ASUW and GPSS student leaders started their new roles this summer and have been hard at work preparing to support and advocate for UW students. Get to know this year’s ASUW and GPSS student leaders and if you have a minute, send a short note of encouragement to a student in a position you held.

May 7, 2021

Director’s Welcome – Spring 2021

This past winter, Seattle had just one snow storm. Unfortunately, it came with some powerful winds that toppled an iconic part of the HUB’s landscape, a 60+ year-old cork oak tree (the only one on the UW campus). HUB staff have worked with the UW Grounds team to salvage much of it with the intent…

Lincoln’s Log – Spring 2021

Behind the masks, so many feelings and things are happening — exhaustion, burnout, struggle, uncertainty, languishing, numb-bum-syndrome, adult acne, wallowing, fear, loss…the unknown.  Behind the masks, you might be feeling or have felt some of these emotions.  After 14 months of working remotely from my dining table, it is fair to say I have felt…

Alumni Spotlight: Melanie Mayock, 2012-13 GPSS Vice President; 2011-12 GPSS Secretary

When did you graduate, and what are you up to now?I graduated with a double Masters in Public Policy and Urban Planning in 2013. Today I work at Sound Transit as a Community Engagement Specialist.  What was your most memorable UW class? Why?I really enjoyed working on my graduate thesis, which looked at communication techniques…

Student Spotlight: Antonio Gonzalez, 2020-21 ASUW Director of Internal Policy

What is your position with ASUW and what are some of your current responsibilities?I am the Director of Internal Policy for ASUW. Some of my responsibilities consist of being the chief parliamentarian for the Association, chairing the Judicial Committee, liaising to the GPSS and Executive Committee, as well as the ASUW Senate and Senate Steering…

Event Feature: Virtual RSO Fairs

This winter, the HUB hosted its first Virtual RSO Fair using the Gather platform, which utilizes proximity video chat. It’s a bit like playing a video game with character icons and imagery, but as you approach other avatars, you’re able to chat using voice and video. On the day of the fair, RSO representatives staffed…

March 4, 2021

Director’s Welcome – Winter 2021

I have noticed a theme in my Alumni Newsletter messages – the seasons and weather. Par for the course and symbolic of this past year, the winter weather in Seattle has oddly been mostly sunny…nothing like what we’re used to, yet offering bright spots. The same is true for this entire year, as we approach…

Lincoln’s Log – Winter 2021

Hey, y’all.  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth so many personal and professional challenges, uncertainties, weirdness…I’m sure you have some words to add.  Perhaps they can’t be said in print?  With the seemingly never-ending Zoom meetings, I have found myself out of practice with and quite bummed out by not seeing students and colleagues every…

Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Darlene Marie “Daya” Mortel Edouard, 2002-03 ASUW Director of Programming

What was your most memorable UW class? Why?Oh so many! Generally, I’d say it was any and every class I took in American Ethnic Studies. Not only did I learn so much, I met some of the most wonderful people. But I’d say it would be Asian American Studies 360, Filipino American History and Culture…

Student Spotlight: Hannah Sieben, 2020-21 GPSS Vice President of Legislative Affairs

What is your position with GPSS and what are some of your current responsibilities?I’m serving as the Vice President of Legislative Affairs for GPSS. In this role, I’m responsible for developing and passing our legislative agenda in the fall quarter and then advocating on those issues during the legislative session. I also get to serve…

Event Feature: ASUW A+E Fall Programming

This academic year, ASUW Arts & Entertainment (A+E) has worked tirelessly to ideate ways to bring entertainment content to the students on campus that is engaging and exciting. By pairing unique artists doing unconventional things, encouraging interaction, and generating show formats that are fresh for both artists and the audience, A+E has been busy. This…

March 22, 2020

The Director’s Welcome – Winter 2020

One of the greatest lessons the University of Washington tries to instill is that of resiliency.  These unprecedented times are certainly testing all of our resiliencies with each day bringing new information, new challenges, and new real impacts on our personal lives and those around us.  As they always have, and will continue to do,…

Bubba’s Bulletin – Winter 2020

Hey y’all.  The end of any academic quarter comes with looks of exhaustion and anxiety from many of our students.  The quarter system can be brutal…not only in the classroom, but for student leaders who are trying to accomplish their goals, plan programs, enhance services, and serve the campus community.  10 weeks comes and goes…

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