HUB Fundraising Forms

RSOs wishing to hold fundraising activities, sales or raffles on campus must demonstrate that the activity itself serves an educational purpose, and that any proceeds either will further the goals of the organization, provide additional programs for the student body or benefit a charitable organization. RSOs wishing to hold fundraising events should meet with an SAO adviser early in the planning process to ensure compliance with University regulations. Fundraising forms are to be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the event to the RSO’s student activities adviser.

  1. Policy: See Fundraising guidelines for RSOs here.
  2. Fundraising Form

Other HUB and Campus Forms

RSOs wishing to hold events requiring UUF approval, events with food service or sales, or wishing to advertise their events must complete and receive authorization from these respective campus units. Each form carries its own recommended deadlines.

HUB Events Calendar

Updated: October 17, 2024
Contact SAO regarding the content on this page.