HUB Fundraising Forms
RSOs wishing to hold fundraising activities, sales or raffles on campus must demonstrate that the activity itself serves an educational purpose, and that any proceeds either will further the goals of the organization, provide additional programs for the student body or benefit a charitable organization. RSOs wishing to hold fundraising events should meet with an SAO adviser early in the planning process to ensure compliance with University regulations. Fundraising forms are to be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the event to the RSO’s student activities adviser.
- Policy: See Fundraising guidelines for RSOs here.
- Fundraising Form
Charitable Fundraising
A Charitable Fundraising Request is used when an event or service provided by an RSO will go to benefit a charity. Written confirmation from the charity stating they approve the event needs to be obtained by the RSO and submitted to RSO’s student activities adviser.
Sales and Food Fundraising
A Sales and Food Fundraising Request is used when and RSO is planning to sell items, services or food on campus.
Raffle Request Form
A Raffle Request is used for any RSOs conducting an event with a raffle on campus.
Other HUB and Campus Forms
RSOs wishing to hold events requiring UUF approval, events with food service or sales, or wishing to advertise their events must complete and receive authorization from these respective campus units. Each form carries its own recommended deadlines.
HUB Digital Display Advertising
RSOs get 1 free week of advertising per quarter for on-campus events. RSOs also get 1 free week of advertising major events held in the HUB. Additional information and requirements for placing an advertising request can be found on the HUB Digital Display Advertising form.
Alcohol Service Request (ASR) Form
RSOs wishing to serve alcohol at a campus event require official University approvals and state licensing. RSOs must submit an Alcohol Service Request (ASR) to the Use of University Facilities Committee (UUFC) via the Office of Special Programs (OSP) before applying for a WA state banquet permit or special occasion license from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.
See Alcohol guidelines for RSOs here.
ASR Form
Events and Arranged Parking
RSOs hosting events where parking is needed for attendees can submit an Events and Arranged Parking Request on the UW Transportation Services website.
Events and Arranged Parking
HUB Events Calendar
Updated: October 17, 2024
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