Fund Applications

Picture of plant growing in dish of coins

2023-24 Funding Request Guidelines for RSOs

We are no longer accepting new funding applications for 2023-24 as of May 17, 2024.

Note: Due to severe staffing shortages in our office, Student Activities can only accommodate funding request approvals for on-campus expenditures, such as facility rentals or campus services. This is in effect through Winter and Spring Quarter 2024.

Funding requests must be submitted prior to May 17, 2024 at the latest. If funds have been depleted prior to this date, applications will be denied. No activities occurring after June 7, 2024 will be considered for funding.

Before Submitting A Funding Request You Must:

    1. Submit your requests 3 weeks prior to the event date you are planning to Applications must be submitted by a Group Administrator. Funding is not guaranteed.
    2. Please make an appointment with your SAO Adviser as soon as possible to ensure success.
    3. Ongoing or subscription payments of any kind are not allowed (including those that would be paid once and then require cancelling afterward). Services where the final cost is not known up-front prior to services rendered (such as certain online advertisement services) along with upgrades to an RSO website are also not allowed.
    4. There may be limitations on some online advertising and marketing platforms. Please discuss your promotional plans with your SAO Adviser.
    5. Honorariums for lecturers, panelists, performers for programs on Zoom or other platforms are allowed. Please note UW faculty, staff and students may not be paid. Talk to your Adviser about specifics before contacting a lecturer, performer, or panelist.
    6. Transportation services off-campus are not allowed (Car, bikes or scooters rentals, UBER/LIFT or buses).
    7. Facility rentals off-campus are not allowed.
    8. Prizes and giveaways are not allowed.
    9. Food and food delivery services are not allowed.

How to Apply for Funding

      1. REVIEW: all funding details and policies below prior to applying.
      2. DOWNLOAD: the Event Planning Worksheet and all funding applications you would like to apply for below.
      3. COMPLETE: the Event Planning Worksheet and all funding application(s). Note: if you are applying for multiple funding sources for one event, only one Event Planning Worksheet is required.
      4. SAMPLE Event Budget Planning Worksheet
      5. SUBMIT: completed form(s) to Note: all forms must be typed and submitted via email by one of the five Group Administrators. Please let us know if you need assistance completing the forms.
      6. SCHEDULE: a meeting with your SAO Adviser to discuss details of your Event. Your application will be reviewed once you have met with your SAO Adviser.
      7. NOTIFICATION: The RSO will be notified via email when a decision has been made.
        Note: notifications may take ten (10) business days or longer following committee reviews. Please factor this timing into event planning when requesting funds.

Fund Details


      • HUB RSO Event Funding has closed to new applications as of May 17, 2024.
      • For policy information, click here.
      • The maximum award an RSO may receive is $500 per academic year.


      • UWAA funding for the 2023-24 academic year has closed as of January 16, 2024.
      • For policy information and application, click here
      • The maximum grant an RSO may receive is $500 per academic year.


      • ASUW Special Appropriations is not accepting new applications as of May 3rd, 2024.
      • For additional information visit or contact ASUW at


Updated: July 17, 2024
Contact SAO regarding the content on this page.