The Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) aka “The Resource Center” is a multi-function space for use by Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and their members. The SORC facilitates the diverse events, interests, and activities of the numerous student organizations by providing access to technology, equipment, space, and other materials. All of SORC’s resources and services are provided free of charge to student organizations. SORC is funded annually by the Services and Activities Fee (SAF) and much of the technology and equipment is funded by the Student Technology Fee Committee (STFC).
Created By and For Students Organizations
The Resource Center was established in 1998 by a group of students who formed a RSO dedicated to improving the resources available to student organizations. The HUB provided a space and the Resource Center provided a student-run service for several years under advising by HUB staff. In the mid-2000s the Resource Center became a formal unit within the HUB department and a full-time staffer was hired to manage the space, its student employees, and services provided to RSOs.
SORC News and Updates
2023-2024 The SORC has announced it’s plans for a systems refresh poised for this winter quarter, highlighting new computer systems and updated software for students. For more information, reach out to SORC staff at the HUB.
SORC Staff
The Student Org Resource Center has a great group of high-energy and helpful student staff. They are always willing to offer assistance and answer questions.

Tony Colinares
Phone: 206-221-3327
Student Employees
Kai Akabane

Hope Isom

Jane Poluianova

Neelum Jawanda

Leah Klots

Ella Bliskis

Dylan Martinez

Renell Brown

Tanner Nicholas

Minju Kim

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