The HUB has approximately 280 tables on the HUB Ground Floor, 50 tables on the HUB First Floor, and 10 tables in the HUB Games Foyer that may be used for table tents. Tables on any other floor may not be used for table tents. The HUB does not provide acrylic stands for table tents. There is no cost to place table tents in the HUB. All requests must be submitted using the form below and are reviewed and approved by the HUB.

Table Tent Requirements

  • Size: Table tents can be no larger than 5-inches wide and 12-inches long (flat measurement).
  • Paper Weight: Must be 110# card stock or thicker and be able to stand freely when folded.
  • Quality: Table tents must be professionally made/printed.
  • The requestor is responsible for placing and removing all tables tents by the specified dates.
  • Limit: A maximum of one (1) table tent campaign per organization is allowed per quarter.
  • Removal: Table tents may need to be removed during any scheduled events. The HUB will provide notification in this case and the requestors must comply with removing their table tents for the duration of the scheduled event.
  • Ad Copy: A copy of the table tent ad must be submitted/uploaded at the time of the request.

Table Tent Request Form