HUB Advertising - Donation BinDonation Bins

UW departments or student organizations, in an effort to host philanthropic initiatives, may request the placement of a donation bin in the HUB. The HUB considers these types of placement requests as Special Use Displays. There is no cost to place a donation bin in the HUB. All requests must be submitted using the form below and are reviewed and approved by the HUB.

Special Use Request Requirements

  • Donation Bin:
    • Will only be placed at the HUB Main Desk and for no longer than 3 weeks.
    • RSOs must provide a copy of an approved Fundraising Permit issued by SAO to HUB Event Services.
    • Must clearly identify the recipient of the donations and the organizer.
    • Must clearly identify the start and end dates of the donation campaign.
    • The contact is responsible for clearing the bin on a daily basis.
    • The contact is responsible for removing the bin/display within 2 business days of the end date.
    • A maximum of 3 campaigns may occur in the HUB at any given time.
    • A maximum of 1 bin per organization is allowed per quarter.
    • The HUB reserves the right to dispose of any items/displays not removed by the organization within the stated deadlines.

Donation Bin Request Form