HUB Rates for Off-Campus Customers

Please find published rates organized by fiscal year below. Select the rate sheet for the year the event will be occurring. Rates for future years will be announced by January 30, and take effect July 1.

Please note that the HUB is only able to accommodate weddings & similar personal events during the UW’s Winter Quarters (January – Early March) & Summer Quarters (Late June – Early September). Information on the academic calendar can be found here.

Any events at the HUB must conclude by 11pm, with all guests & organizers having exited HUB facilities by 12am. Additional teardown/cleanup time can be reserved for the following day. All deliveries and setup/cleanup from vendors & rental companies (such catering, furnishings, florists, decorators, etc.) must also take place during reserved times and end by 12am each night.


7/1/24 – 6/30/25
7/1/25 – 6/30/26

Disability Accommodations

To arrange disability accommodations for your meeting or event please visit the Disability Services Office.

Disability Services Office