The Director’s Welcome – Winter 2019

Justin Camputaro & Rene Singleton

There is no denying winter is here as UW was blanketed in snow for most of February. In fact, this is the most snow campus has seen since 1949, which also happens to be the year the HUB first opened (originally called the Associated Students Memorial Union). It is 70 years later and the main infrastructure of that original building still stands, and it has grown significantly with two major additions and the 2012 renovation. This is much like our students, who come to UW and get involved with ASUW, GPSS, and other student organizations. At first, they start out small, learning the ropes of how the organizations operate, making connections across campus, and then as they settle into their new roles, really flourish and make lasting impacts at UW.

Many of you probably remember this experience yourselves. In fact, Winter Quarter is often when the proverbial “light bulbs” go off and that is exactly what we are seeing right now. Student leaders are hitting their strides of confidence, planning some incredible programs, building off their campus connections, and advocating for campus resources, both locally on campus and across the state.

Enjoy this edition of the HUB Alumni Newsletter, reading about several of these incredible student leaders and their programs, as well as more great ways for you as alumni to develop deeper connections with these students through Huskies @ Work and UW Giving Day.

Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Director