The Director’s Welcome – Fall 2018

Justin Camputaro
Hello HUB alumni and friends, we have some exciting things to share in this Fall newsletter. The first – a change, I’ll be writing the newsletter welcome note moving forward. I have big shoes to fill, but do not fret, Lincoln will still be sharing stories in his own “Bubba’s Bulletin.”
As you will read about below, ASUW and GPSS both had successful elections last Spring. As the groups returned this Fall, they kicked-off the year with fresh new training programs. ASUW expanded to a weeklong intensive training for their entire organization, and I can say this has been paying off in dividends. These efforts go right alongside an entirely new RSO registration process and student leader-training program being developing by the Student Activities Office. The HUB staff are making significant shifts to provide high caliber support for our students today and for their futures beyond graduation when they too join the HUB Alumni Network.
Speaking of such, I hope that all of you are aware of the HUB Fund for Leadership in Excellence. Starting this year, we are switching gears and have a goal to endow several scholarships through this fund. We have so many incredible students who leave indelible marks on the UW campus and soon the HUB will help provide some of these students better access to their education through a scholarship that recognizes their leadership contributions. I hope that you will help us make that a reality.
Finally, last year we brought on a new staff member, Adam Serafin, as our Assistant Director for Communications & Development. Along with this year’s Intern, Alison Day, Adam will be developing more ways for us to engage with all of you and for you to engage with the current students.
We are so very excited to build upon the engagement with the HUB Alumni Network that has grown over the past decade!
Justin Camputaro, PhD
HUB Director
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