Student and alumni spotlights: Tyler Wu and Dawn Yamane Hewett
Q&A with Tyler Wu:

Tyler Wu
What is your most memorable UW class?
Community Environment and Planning (CEP) 200!
Who is your hero? Why?
I know this sounds cheesy, but my mom. After immigrating to the United States from Vietnam after the war, she had nothing. Ever since then, she has done nothing but work her butt off to ensure that I am provided with the support and resources to succeed.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room (John Mayer)
What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Walking down to the stadium with all of my friends and yelling to the people across the street “GO”, and having them yell back “HUSKIES.” It shows a cool UW tradition that even our oldest alumni know about!
What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
I remember leaving the HUB at midnight after a long night of working and studying for a final, and it was one of those moments where I realized that I spent more time at the HUB than at my physical house. Whether I was working at Commuter Commons, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life or the ASUW office, my college career has revolved around walking to the Husky Union Building every day. Do I wish I could be at home more? Absolutely. But the HUB is truly my second home.
Q&A with Dawn Yamane Hewett:

Dawn Hewett
What is your favorite memory of the HUB?
My favorite memory is probably ASUW election night 1997. All of the candidates gathered around to wait to hear the election results for ASUW President, ASUW Vice President and the Board of Directors (then Board of Control). To take the edge off everyone’s nervousness, I brought a toy bowling set, so my friends and I bowled down the hallways of the HUB while we waited.
What was the most memorable class you took at UW?
I took so many great classes at UW, it’s really difficult to choose just one. My favorite freshman year class was States and Capitalism, taught by Professor Joel Migdal. Professor Migdal is such an engaging lecturer and he made the history of the modern global system fascinating.
My favorite upper level class was Social Change in Latin America, taught by Professor Jonathan Warren. The class opened the door to later experiences like conducting research for my undergraduate honors thesis in Oaxaca, Mexico and doing postgraduate research in Brazil.
What is your favorite Husky game memory?
I loved attending home football games at Husky stadium, but my favorite game day memory has to be when I took my dad to the Aloha Bowl in 1997. My dad is a lifelong Husky fan, so he was thrilled when he got the opportunity to meet Coach Lambright during the trip. The entire trip was great fun, but it was an especially wonderful experience to enjoy the Husky win with him!
What is your favorite city in the world to visit?
I love Tokyo. So much tradition, modernity, delicious food, interesting architecture and fun fashion packed into one beautiful city! I can spend days just walking and eating my way through the city.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip, yum! But I also love any kind of coffee ice cream (coffee, chocolate chip, coffee toffee crunch, etc.).
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