Message from the HUB Director, Lincoln Johnson

Lincoln Johnson, HUB Director
Welcome to the fall 2015 edition of the HUB alumni newsletter! The school year started out beautifully, not only in terms of bright and lovely weather, but also with the excitement that comes with the arrival of new students and the return of student leaders from all over campus. The HUB continues to bustle and hum with study groups, friends relaxing, students playing the baby-grand, packed lounges and lots of planning meetings for the academic year. More and more, the HUB continues to serve as community center for campus and, for that, we are deeply pleased and honored.
For those who are curious, the term “HUB alumni” is meant to embrace former UW students who were involved in the Associated Students/ASUW, Graduate & Professional Student Senate/GPSS, Registered Student Organizations and the HUB Board of Representatives. Hence, HUB alumni! This newsletter will go out three times a year and will focus on various aspects of student government and student organizations. We hope you enjoy it!
– Lincoln Johnson,
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