Message from the director, Lincoln Johnson

Lincoln & Harry Husky
Student engagement comes in so many forms. In fact, it can be overwhelming for UW students who are faced with opportunity, upon opportunity, upon opportunity. Thankfully, GPSS and ASUW continually seek more effective ways to connect with students and engage the next generation of student leadership.
For some of you reading this newsletter, that connection with ASUW and GPSS was a life-changing moment or perhaps a shining light from your years at UW. While it might surprise you, my staff and I have similar sentiments and emotions connected to these amazing student governments on the Seattle campus. While we advise, cajole, support and mentor all aspects of this work, we too get a lot of affirmation from our interactions with these talented student leaders. And, more importantly, we have had opportunities to watch lives transform and, in turn, our lives also have been transformed. What a joy that is…
Please enjoy the winter 2016 edition of the HUB Alumni Newsletter. We simply do not have enough space to cover all that GPSS and ASUW do for the campus community, but I hope you continue to enjoy these quarterly glimpses into their programs, services, and events.
‘Til next time, be well and take care,
Lincoln Johnson
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