Letter from Lincoln

UW at ACUI 2018
The end of the school year is upon us yet again and I can’t help but reflect on the amazing opportunity my colleagues and I have working with ASUW and GPSS student leaders. It is quite humbling…and exhausting at times…but such an honor. The conclusion of the year means that leadership transitions are underway. We will truly miss the student leaders who are concluding their year of leadership and service and preparing for a happy and successful life beyond UW; we wish them the best as they embark on their next phase of life.
While we say farewell to this year’s leaders, we are excitedly welcoming the ASUW and GPSS leaders for 2018-19. As we have done for generations, HUB staff and administration continue to stand alongside and partner with ASUW and GPSS leaders to continue their growth as individuals, pursue their organizational goals, and enhance the experience for our student community. With the incoming group of leaders, I have this annoying tendency of frequently reminding them that they are not in this alone. We want them to always know that they are a part of a rich tradition and tapestry of former student leaders and I know that they appreciate and respect the legacies you have left behind.
Enjoy this edition of the HUB Alumni newsletter…and please let us hear from you. We love getting little notes and emails about your life and work.
Be well, y’all.
L. Lincoln Johnson
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