Home for the Holidays Recap
On December 23, 2016, the HUB Alumni community celebrated its 8th annual “Home for the Holidays. HUB staff were excited to welcome over 90 former ASUW Board members and GPSS officers and their families who came together to reconnect with old friends, meet new ones, and share memories. While some keep in touch often, some had not seen each other for years, if not decades. Justin Camputaro, HUB Director, introduced himself to the group and shared his hopes for the alumni community, while Sam Al-Khoury graciously talked about his time in the HUB and the importance of maintaining connections with one another. Stacey Hurwitz, HUB Alumni Intern, shared her experiences as a beneficiary of the HUB Fund, which included receiving a HUB Fund scholarship to attend the National Conference of College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) and expand her leadership development and skills. Lincoln Johnson warmly welcomed the group and raised a toast and “cheers” to the New Year and future of the HUB Alumni community. We are grateful for the continued support from our HUB alumni network and look forward to the 9th event later in 2017.

If you have any feedback for this event, please contact hubalumniintern@gmail.com.