Acronyms & Definitions

  • RC = Resource Center
  • RSO = Registered Student Organization
  • SAO = Student Activities Office
  • SORC = Student Organization Resource Center
  • SORC = Resource Center = RC. The terms are used interchangeably.


How do I know if my group is registered?

Student orgs register through the Student Activities Office – not the Resource Center. A student org is considered REGISTERED when they successfully complete the registration process, are approved by SAO, and the RSO appears in the current RSO Directory (HuskyLink).
For more information about registering a group, please contact SAO at 206-543-2380, via email, or in person at HUB 232.

How do I get my RSO's Print Code?

RSO Officers: Any of the 5 RSO Officers may retrieve or reset their org’s Print Code with any SORC staff member. Students will be asked to provide their Husky Card for this process. The RSO’s officers are listed in the RSO Directory.

RSO Members: Please check with the officers of your RSO.

How do I reserve some equipment for my RSO?

SORC equipment reservations are made via SORC Reservation System. More reservation information here…

Food in the SORC

Can I store my RSO's food in the SORC refrigerator?

Yes, with limits. RSOs may use the SORC refrigerator to store food on a space-available basis and only on the day of the event. Long-term fridge storage is not allowed. All food is cleared out of the fridge on a daily basis.

Can we have food in the SORC meeting rooms?

Sure. Students are responsible for cleaning up any messes and disposing of food from the SORC meeting rooms. Trash and Compost bins are located in the Resource Center and the HUB for this purpose.

Can I use the SORC Kitchenette to prepare food for my group or event?

NO. The SORC Kitchenette is NOT an approved kitchen to prepare food on a large scale. RSOs are encouraged to contact Environmental Health & Safety for information on Food Service Criteria.

Can I use the SORC microwave?

Yes. Students may use the microwave for personal food items. Again, we ask that students clean up after themselves and deal with any messes in the microwave or kitchen area resulting from microwave use.

SORC Equipment Usage

I am not a member of an RSO. Can I still use the Resource Center?

We welcome all UW students in the Resource Center. However, the equipment and items in the RC are intended to be used by student organizations and their members.

UW Seattle students may utilize the services of the Commuter & Transfer Commons which mirror some of the services offered through the Resource Center and provide other unique services as well.

I forgot my Husky Card. What do I do?

Students will be asked to show their Husky Card for verification purposes or to leave their Husky Card when checking out an item or resource. For this reason, it is imperative that students bring their Husky Card to the Resource Center. RC staff may accept an alternate photo ID such as a driver’s license in lieu of a Husky Card. Other members of an RSO may provide their Husky Card when checking out equipment.

Is there a fax machine I can use in the Resource Center?

No. The SORC no longer has a fax machine. However, the HUB Info Desk (Main Desk on the first floor) provides fax services for a small fee.

Can I make copies of cash or stamps on the SORC copiers?

NO. DO NOT USE THE SORC COPIERS TO PHOTOCOPY U.S. MONEY OR STAMPS. Please refer to Title 18, section 474 of the United States Code for additional information. Although there are certain exceptions to the federal law, the Resource Center has prohibited the use of the copiers for this purpose.

I want to put my banner up on Kane Hall. How do I do that?

However, students must reserve Kane banner space at the Student Activities Office in HUB 232. More Kane Hall Banner details here.

Can I use the button-maker/printers/butcher paper for an elections campaign?

No. None of the equipment or resources in the Resource Center may be used for any ASUW or GPSS election. This applies to the entire campaign, candidates, tickets, or ballot initiatives. Students are encouraged to contact SAO or ASUW Elections Administration Committee to inquire about appropriate methods of campaigning and obtaining campaign materials.

SORC Equipment Checkout

Can I check out the Laminator/Cricut/Button-Maker?

No. The SORC does not check out certain items for use outside the Resource Center including: tape, scissors, button-makers, paper folders, shredder, paper-cutters, laminator, cricut. Aside from the canopies, tables, chairs, and tabling equipment, most everything else is meant to be used at the Resource Center.

Can the Resource Center staff help me with Tech Loan stuff?

No. The Tech Loan Program is managed by and staffed by students who are hired and trained by UW-IT Classroom Technology & Events. The Resource Center or HUB staff do not have any authority over any of Tech Loan’s services or equipment. Although they operate out of HUB 111D they maintain their own business hours and are separate from the Resource Center.

Please contact them directly:
Tech Loan Program
Kane 035 | 206-685-6090
HSB I-146 | 206-543-3465
HUB 111D | NOTE: They have no phone number in HUB 111D
Tech Loan Program website