Any currently registered student organization and its members may utilize the printing and copying resources at the SORC. RSOs and ASUW & GPSS entities are assigned an alpha-numeric print code that must be entered before an item can be printed or copied.

Obtain a Print Code

Any of the 5 listed officers for an RSO may retrieve or reset their assigned print code with RC staff. Students will be asked to have picture identification for this process. It is the responsibility of RSO officers to provide the print code to their RSO members as they see fit.

PLEASE NOTE: It is important to notify the Resource Center when an officer change has taken place so that the new officers can reset or retrieve their RSO’s assigned print code.

Account Balance

Any student with a valid print code can see the account balance in the following ways:

  • RC Copier: The account balance appears on the copier display once a copy job is completed and the user logs out
  • RC Staff: A print code holder may request the balance from any RC staff member