Alumni Spotlight: Thom Gunn, ASUW 1968-69 President

Thom Gunn
What was your most memorable UW class?
Well, I can’t single it out to one. I took all of the best classes, and zeroed in on all of the best instructors. One of the best classes I took was Modern English History with Giovanni Costigan. From my research, Dr. Costigan was the greatest history teacher in the world. He was a delight; he was magnificent. Another one of my favorite classes was Washington State Geology with Larry Hanson. It was a huge lecture hall, and we broke up into groups and did field trips all the time.
Who is your hero? Why?
I have many heros, because there are a lot of fabulous people out there. Franklin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, JFK, and Aldo Leopold are a few of my heros. Leopold was an American ecologist and wrote one of the greatest books ever written in America, A Sand County Almanac.
What would be your go-to karaoke song?
“I’m Not Like Everybody Else” by Ray Davies of the Kinks. I think Ray Davies is the greatest Rock ‘n Roller. He is responsible for the soundtrack of my generation’s life. About ten of his songs are just spot on.
What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Winning. I love winning. I especially love conquering any team from Southern California; I cheer for all Northwest teams. I’m pretty happy with our coach (Chris Petersen), but our former coach, Don James, was a great coach. He was also one of my heros.
What is your favorite memory of the HUB?
I had an office on the second floor that was a great base. I got to know a number of really great people from working at the HUB. Those associations, you never forget. They are a part of you forever.
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