Alumni Spotlight: Danica You-Hamilton, ASUW 2001-02 President

Danica You-Hamilton
1. What was your most memorable UW class?
I took an independent study comparative literature class with Willis Konick when I was at the UW. I had taken a number of his films courses by that time, and like every other student who took those classes, immediately fell in love with his active and engaging teaching style. It was an honor to work with him one-on-one while studying works by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Professor Konick helped improve my ability to think critically and creatively, and also helped me realize how much I loved literature. Perhaps even more importantly, he was always kind, supportive, and rooted for me to succeed at the UW, academically and beyond. In retrospect, some of the most significant lessons I learned during college happened in courses like his – classes that I initially took only for “fun” because I had a personal interest in the subject matter. I was devastated to learn that Professor Konick passed away a couple of years ago.
2. Who is your hero? Why?
My heroes are all of those who have stepped up to fight for immigrants, people of color, women, and all of those whose fundamental rights have been threatened.
3. What would be your go-to karaoke song?
I am a pretty terrible singer, yet I do not fear a karaoke mic. I don’t have a specific go-to song, but my go-to genre would be any late 90s/early 2000s pop or rock: Pearl Jam, Green Day, TLC, En Vogue, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, etc., etc. I should have some shame about my continued love for this type of music, but I do not.
4. What is your favorite Husky football game day tradition?
Making my family wear Husky gear on every game day even though we live in NYC. My 2 year old can really rock that purple and gold like nobody’s business. I think it’s because of his 100% Husky lineage.
5. What has been your favorite memory of the HUB?
Meeting my husband, as well as some people who remain close friends more than 15 years after I graduated, through my time in student government are my favorite memories of the HUB. Being surrounded by people who truly wanted to be a part of a community and wanted to work toward making the UW and the world a better place was a magical time for me. When I visit the HUB my heart instantly fills with love and fond memories, as well as the hope that there continue to be many students who have positive, life-changing experiences like mine during their time at the HUB.