RSO Office Access

Registered Student Organizations assigned to a HUB Office Space are agreeing to abide by the following conditions on behalf of your Registered Student Organization:


  1. Each student organization space has a card access system that will be maintained by the Student Activities Office. Access is through the magnetic strip on your UW Husky Card.
  2. To gain access to the office, an officer of the student organization must complete an RSO Office Access Form and submit a photocopy of the requesting officer’s current UW Husky Card. Only the five (5) officers listed as part of an RSO are eligible to request access.
  3. Card access for student organization space will be removed at the end of the term of occupancy for all officers and members from an RSO assigned to an office.
  4. Card access will be granted when the beginning of occupancy term procedures are complete.
  5. The HUB RSO Office Request Form can be obtained from SAO, a hard copy of form/photos must be signed and are returned to SAO in person to be processed.
  6. Misuse of access will result in loss of access privileges and possible loss of office space and/or financial penalties. If an ID card is lost or fails to work, it is the officer’s responsibility to report this information to SAO immediately. Lost card incidents will be reported to SAO for a review of access privileges. SAO may refer office access issues by an RSO to the OSAC for review.


Unauthorized Access

Offices must be vacated when the building closes. No one may remain in offices after closing. Please note: After two unauthorized access warnings, the RSO will be referred to OSAC for review and may face sanctions. Sanctions include fines, community service, or loss of office space privileges. RSOs will be required to meet with an SAO adviser immediately following a warning.


Change of Officers

An email from the outgoing RSO officer needs to be sent to SAO before access is changed to a new officer, when an RSO wants to change one of the five office access slots for their organization. A new officer must complete an RSO Office Access Form. A copy of outgoing officer’s email to SAO requesting removal must be submitted to SAO prior to approval. The outgoing officer’s access will be removed from the system, and then the new officer’s access will be granted and processed by SAO.