Second Floor Plaques

Kennedy Plaque

George Washington

Artist/s: Unknown

Location: On wall behind the Norling mural on the second floor.

Description: Originally this plaque was at the entrance to the Auditorium, now the Lyceum. Commonly referred to as the Kennedy plaque the Political Union, a student organization on campus was responsible for its origination. The Political Union was composed of representatives from any registered student organization that was interested in politics.

In the November 27, 1963 edition of the Washington Daily, there is a paragraph titled “Kennedy Plaque” as part of an article titled “ Campus Political Groups React to President Kennedy’s Death”, neither has a by line. The paragraph states:
“Last May 13, seven months after President Kennedy was assassinated, the Student Political Union, headed by Scott Elder, placed a memorial plaque near the entrance to the HUB Auditorium in commemoration of President Kennedy’s 1961 visit to the University.
The plaque in a fitting tribute to our late President says ”And they summed it up in the motto that they adopted: ‘Let there be light’.” What more can be said today regarding all the dark and tangled problems we face today than ‘Let there be light’ and to accomplish that illumination the University of Washington shall still hold high the torch.”
This is part of a speech delivered by President Kennedy commemorating the 100th anniversary of the University of Washington.”

Since the Political Union often used the Auditorium for its larger events and the fact that the Kennedy tribute was held there as well explains the plaque placement.

Composition/materials: Cast Bronze

Year: 1964

Barker Plaque

George Washington

Artist/s: Unknown

Location: On wall behind the Norling mural on the second floor.

Description: This plaque originally was mounted on the wall in meeting room 310, currently where meeting rooms 332 and 334 are located. Meeting room 310 was for many years the meeting place of the ASUW Board of Control/Board of Directors. John M. Barker Jr. was a member of the ASUW Board of Control who died of leukemia in the summer of 1962 at the age of 19. It was reported in The Daily that:

“Barker, who would have been a junior this year, was active in student government,
scholastic, and service organizations at Washington. He was an at large member of
the Board of Control, a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, where he served as Vice President, member of Phi Eta Sigma-Freshman honor society, Purple Shield, Sophomore honorary, and Sun Dodgers, a service organization on campus.”

The Board decided to honor his memory by naming the room for him. In the minutes of the ASUW Memorial Union Committee for November 14, 1962 there is a discussion of naming the room for Mr. Barker. It is noted that University President Charles Odegaard himself made the request.

Composition/materials: Cast Bronze

Year: 1962

Welke Plaque

George Washington

Artist/s: Unknown

Location: On wall behind the Norling mural on the second floor.

Description: Walter C. Welke was hired in 1929 to join the music faculty at the UW. In his early years he taught classes in music education, and directed both the orchestra and the band. Beginning in 1938 he became full time director of the band a position he held until 1957. During that time he was responsible for adding women to the band, providing for innovative band performances and card stunts, and creating one of the finest band departments and program in the country. After leaving the band he continued with his instructional work until he retired in 1974.

In October of 1986 Bert Pound, a former student of Welke, and chair of the committee to recognize Wilke’s contributions to the University and its students approached the leadership of the HUB about placing a plaque in the Music Lounge on the first floor. The HUB Advisory Board accepted the plaque and it proudly hung in the Music Lounge. The Music Lounge is approximately where the ASUW officers and Board of Director’s offices are, until 2010 when the HUB remodel began.

Composition/materials: Cast Bronze

Year: 1986

Ambulance Plaque

George Washington

Artist/s: Unknown

Location: On wall behind the Norling mural on the second floor.

Description: On April 8, 1917 University of Washington students gathered to form Red Cross Company number 12. They trained for several weeks before 250 of them departed on May 25, 1917. Arriving at Allentown, Pennsylvania for additional training the 12th was incorporated into the American Field Service and assigned unit number 570 and 571. Originally shipped to the Italian Front, they subsequently had to drive their ambulances through the Alps to serve on the Western Front. Both units served in Europe from the end of August 1918 to Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. This plaque, based on the date on the plaque, was installed in the HUB on June 3, 1977 and resided in a number of locations until the demolition of the HUB in 2010. Its last location was where the FIUTS bulletin board currently is. One can only assume that descendants of the students who served wanted to honor their service and they created this plaque and convinced the University that the HUB was an appropriate place for it to be.

Composition/materials: Cast Bronze

Year: 1977

Nord Plaque

George Washington

Artist/s: Unknown

Location: On wall behind the Norling mural on the second floor.

Description: In 1991 the ASUW Board of Control, now Directors, passed a resolution honoring Stephen Nord upon his retirement after 30 years of service to the University and naming their Board meeting room The Stephen Nord Conference Room. For twenty seven of those years Steve served students in many positions, including Manager of the HUB, Manager of ASUW Activities, Board of Control Advisor, and Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. Steve has seen the ASUW through many significant changes and
Steve attended more Board of Control Meetings and observed more student demonstrations than arguably anyone else in the history of the University. To commemorate and thank Steve for all of the guidance, service and commitment he has given the ASUW throughout the past three decades the Board named their meeting room after him. One of Steve’s final contributions to the ASUW and the University was the compilation of a Documentary History of the ASUW which pulled together all of the significant documents from the history of the ASUW from 1896 to his retirement in 1991. This document now resides in the University archives.
Originally the Board meeting room was behind this location approximately where the fabric wall in the North ballroom is.

Composition/materials: Cast Bronze

Year: 1991