HUB Mural

Artist/s: Ernest Norling

Location: Second Floor | Lounge As part of the HUB Renovation 2010-2012 the fireplace was removed and the mural “reframed”. In 2012 the mural was professionally cleaned and damage was repaired by Bruce Miller of Bruce Miller Conservation of Painting, LLC. Based on this restoration the mural looks as close to as it did in 1949 when it was installed in the HUB.

Artist/s’ Details: Early in 1948 Ernest Norling, well known northwest artist, was commissioned to do a mural based on student life for the Associated Students Memorial Union Building (HUB). He was a draftsman, newspaper artist, book illustrator, author, portrait painter, creator of murals, and sculptor. He painted for the WWAA during the depression and prior to this mural had done ones in Prosser and Bremerton Washington. Born in 1892 in Pasco he died in 1974 in Seattle.

Description: History: The HUB Mural, originally installed in 1948, depicts events in the history of the University from 1861 to 1925.

Composition/materials: Paint on Canvas.

Year: 1948

Part of series: No

Commissioned: Yes